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as i continued to stare at the wall i just decided to get out of bed, just in time that doyoung hyung went to the house. "oh hey haechan." he called as he smiled and waved at me.

"where have you been, hyung?" i asked.

"oh you know, just wondering in the human world while i don't have a human, yet." he answered.

"what took you so long then?"

"i enjoyed it."

i looked at him confused, but i wouldn't really care so i just decided to go with it. i went outside to our house, wondering where jisung is, i looked at the time, it was 3:17, so probably jisung is having fun with his human right now.

i have no idea what to do at this point, so i just decided to walk to wherever leads me, and surprisingly, my feet went to the palace, in front of taeyong hyung's gate. i looked at the gate, which was opening, i then heard a shout from the inside. "may i have your attention please!" jaehyun hyung said as he run from the inside and went outside.

"all genies who are in duty, please may i have your attention!" jaehyun shouted, all of the genies, including me, got confused.

"what's happening?" doyoung hyung asked as he was walking to me by my side, i shrug my shoulders, answering i don't know.

"everyone to the main entrance, please!" jaehyun hyung shouted once again, we just did as he told, and waited.

while we were all there, there are so many genies so it's obvously crowded and at the same time noisy.

"taeyong is coming!" doyoung hyung said so i looked around to see where he was, we all same him walking out of his room going to the main entrance. everyone stayed silent now, we were all scared that taeyong hyung might do something to us.

taeyong hyung then stepped at the stairs to his throne, enough to see everyone. then there goes ten, following him at the back, and just stand beside him. "may i have your attention please." taeyong said with a normal tone, everyone stayed quiet.

he nodded, "i'm here to announce something." with that, everyone reacted, some secretly, some loudly, and here i am, speechless and continued listening along with doyoung hyung.

"what's going on?" kun, along with hansol, asked.

"i don't know." i answered, "we all don't know yet."

"silence please!" taeyong hyung said as he shouted from his throne, "thank you." he then said. "i came here to annouce something, might be good, might be bad, it depends on you."

it depends? what does that mean? i thought.

"i, lee taeyong, the ruler of this world, have decided." he paused, he took a deep breath before continuing, "that there are no falling in love to humans no more."

some people, including me, felt relief after he said that, some didn't really care, and some are just blank. and those words somehow made me feel better, i couldn't help but to smile so much.

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