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3rd person's

it's been six months since that incident happen, mark is just lying on the bed, actually waiting for the time. although he already did wish something today, he's just practically waiting for his genie to appear by his side once again.

six months, mark thought. i didn't even noticed that we're half way through the year, haechan.

"hey." a door then suddenly open in his room, it was renjun calling out.

"come in." mark answered, so renjun closed the door and walked towards mark who's just literally laying down on his bed checking his phone every minute for the time. "why are you here?" he asked as he looked up at the ceiling.

"just asking for a date." mark's eyes got widen when he immediately heard that, he just had to sit down on his bed and actually looked at renjun with a weirded face.

"hey!" renjun called, "not literally a date man! i just mean a bonding you know." he said as he sat down and crossed his arms and rolled his eyes at mark. mark wanted to smirk at this pint but he didn't wanted to because he knows that renjun was serious about their so-called "date".

"no worries tho, i'll be bringing winwin along with us." mark suddenly wanted to choke after hearing his name again.

"what about chenle?"

"don't start to piss me, hyung. i don't wanna be with that guy for at least a day." renjun explaied. "besides, i think he needed some time for himself this time, so i'm giving him that chance." he then added.

"why tho? did you guys had a fight or something?" mark asked.

"no, it's just that he's been acting weird a bit lately. and i'm just getting worried, you know." renjun answered with a stubborn accent, "it's like he's hiding something from us."

mark didn't know what to answer, so he just nodded in silence. he then looked in his phone again to check the time, 12:17pm. they probably still have the time for their date, "i'll go get ready." mark said and patted renjun's back.

"okay then, thanks." he replied and stood from mark's bed, leaving mark alone in his room.

before renjun even walked out of the door, he saw chenle passed by screaming, probably in a hurry. he didn't mind it so he just stared into chenle until he was already gone on his sight and started walking out of mark's room.

mark, on the other hand, was curious because of the scream. but because chenle was so fast, he only just saw a person with a tuxedo outside, which weirded him out because he didn't remember chenle was going out on a date with someone, but he decided not to mind it and continue getting ready.

after that, he went outside. he saw renjun, along with winwin, waiting in the living room.

"let's go!" renjun smiled and opened the door, mark and winwin looked at each other then shrugged their shoulders. they just decided to follow renjun.

while walking outside, it was a moment of silence for the three of them. without chenle in this situation, it won't be this silent. in fact, it's never gonna be slient. mark was looking towards the 2 guys as the continue to walk.

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