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I slowly felt myself awaken from my deep sleep as I felt little hands on my cheeks shaking me to life. And when I opened my eyes I was face to face with the cutest brown haired sleepy face in the world, I let a sleepy smile come across my lips as she looked down at me smiling.

"Wake up mommy." I grabbed her hands from my cheeks holding it in my hand moving her tiny hands to my lips kissing the back of her hand.

"Mommies awake." She giggled and I slowly sat up holding her hands tight so she wouldn't slip off my lap. I turned to my right to see the other love of my life sound asleep with the same exact bed head as my daughter. I let out a soft laugh shaking my head, everyday I found little things that showed how much alike they both were.

"Why don't you wake up daddy?" She smiled wide and nodded and crawled off my lap and got in between Justin and I and shook his shoulder gently.

She bent down her head down whispering in his face, "Daddy, wake up, Daddy." I watched smiling ear to ear.

Justin let out a groan rolling over on his back, "Ten more minutes."

She lifted her head back up and nodded and then in a low voice, "I love you daddy." and bent down kissing Justin on the cheek. Justin now had a big smile on his face.

He opened his eyes and turned his head looking up at the little girl, "I love you too baby girl." He wrapped his arms around her pulling her on top of his chest making her giggle as he kissed her cheek repeatedly. I laughed as I watched them.

After Justin stopped giving her kisses she laid her head on his chest and he looked over at me and smiled opening up his arm, I grinned and laid down placing my head on his chest. He kissed the top of my head softly.

"I love you both."

I smiled reaching my arm running my fingers through Jaycee's hair trying to fix her bed head.

Jaycee sat up and moved the hair from her face, "Mommy will you make me breakfast?"

I nodded, "Of course baby girl, go wait for mommy in the kitchen ok?" She smiled nodding and crawling off of Justin and on to the floor and ran out of the room and down the hall headed for the kitchen.

"We have to teach her to stop waking us up." Justin said with a yawn.

I turned my head so I could look at him, "You know you love it when she wakes you up."

He smiled, "I do."

"So dont complain it could be worse, she could hit us awake." Justin and I both laugh in sync.

"Thats true, but what if I wanted to wake up a different way?"

"And how would you rather wake up Mr. Bieber?" I said poking his nose with my index finger.

He grabbed my hand holding it and rolled over so he was hovering over me, "Oh you know, maybe a little fun time with my beautiful wife." He leaned down and kissed the side of my neck.

I closed my eyes letting a small laugh escape my lips instead of a moan, "Well we cant have fun time in the morning we have a daughter that wakes up at the crack of dawn."

Justin lifted his head up shrugging with a smirk, "We can try." He ran his hand down my side tickling me making me laugh.

"Justin, I have to go make Jaycee breakfast, now is not the time to let your hornyness show." I leaned up kissing his lips fast before snaking myself away from him and out of bed.

"I cant help if I have a sexy wife." He leaned on his elbow winking at me.

I rolled my eyes and began walking out of the room, "Come eat breakfast with us!" I yelled back at him as I walked down the hall.

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