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"So that's my little sister?" Jaycee asked as she held the ultrasound picture in her hand.

I laughed, "Or brother."

"Sister mommy." She said shooting me a scowl.

"Okay okay."

"She's going to be mad if it's a boy." Bailey said laughing as she laid out the noodles to the lasagna in the pan.

"I know." I smiled, and stirred the special sauce we were going to put on the lasagna. I took a bit on the spoon blowing on it, "Ceecee, want a taste?" She nodded excitedly and turned my way and I placed the spoon in her mouth and smiled as she nodded in approval.

I turned the stove off taking the sauce off and began to make the lasagna and when we were done with the main stuff I called Jaycee over to do her favorite part.

"Want to put the cheese on?" She nodded and I lifted her off the counter and on my hip and handed her the bag of cheese and watched her spread it on top.

"I think that's enough cheese Jaycee." Bailey said laughing.

But she added another handful before taking another and putting it in her mouth, we both laughed and I took the bag from her before she ate it all. I set her on the ground, "Why don't you and Bailey make the table." I grabbed the pan and opened the oven putting it in. I set the timer and turned smiling as the girls set the table.

I sighed and grabbed the dirty dishes and set them in the sink, "Where did this plate come from?" I asked as I stared down at the white plate in my hand.

"I don't know." Bailey shrugged, "There was cookies on it."

"Cookies." I sighed heavily, this was the neighbors plate. Who I was very rude to today, he probably thinks I'm some mean old lady who hates cookies. I should really go apologize.

"Hey guys I'm going to give this back to the neighbor."

"You mean Sam?" Bailey corrected.

"Yes, Sam." I said rolling my eyes.

"Can I come mommy?"

"I thought you were helping set the table?"


"Fine, come on. We will be right back Bay, will you give Benie some food when you're done please?"

"Yes boss." She said jokingly making me smile.

I grabbed Jaycees hand as we walked outside and over to the neighbors front door. I let her ring the door bell and I looked down at the plate anxiously, hoping he wouldn't be rude to me even though I was to him.

I put on a smile when he opened the door.

"Hi, I thought I would bring your plate back." I handed him the plate.

"Thanks." He said with a nod.

"And I'm sorry for being rude earlier. I was upset because of many reasons but mostly because I didn't know where the kids were. I did not mean to be rude to you."

"It's fine. I shouldn't of invited them in without your permission."

"No, that's fine. I'm just glad they were safe and they were pretty safe with you so thank you."

He shrugged, "No problem."

"We should invite him to dinner mommy!" Jaycee smiled looking up at me. I half smiled and nodded.

"No that's fine, you don't need to." He said shrugging it off with a small smile.

I mean it was the least I could do for being a bitch right?

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