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Delilah's POV:

"Wake up sunshine." I heard Dave whisper in my ear, shaking me to wake up.

"What time is it?" I asked trying to open my eyes, but I couldn't.

"It i-" he started speaking but I cut him off.

"Before you tell me, please close the curtain, the bulb and any source of light in here." I stated.

"Okay, okay, calm down." He said chuckling while closing the curtain and switching off the light.

"It's ten o'clock and you've gotta get dressed." He said sitting on my bed.

"What the fuck?" I said opening my eyes in shock, bugged that I woke up so early in the vacation.

"What happened to 'No bad language'? Gone now?" He said with a teasing note.

"No it's not gone, but when we're in vacation and I wake up at 10AM, then of course it'll be long gone." I said slapping him playfully on his toned arm.

Ohh, Sorry for your confusion, I forgot to introduce myself.

I'm Delilah Avery Hamilton, 17 years old, live with my father and my stepmother and both step siblings.

Dave Christopher Ulmann and Alexis Janie Ulmann, Dave is the eldest of us and Alexis is as old as me.

Me and Dave became so close when I first came here, but Alexis... Well, me and her didn't go along too well, she never speaks to me, just, when she's forced to by her mother.

It's my second summer here in the town and in this house.

At school, nobody really likes to talk to me, they don't either bully me, sometimes I feel like they're too scared to interact with me and some are scared of my amazing, so sweet stepbrother and some treat me as an invisible being.

As an incident last year, a boy I refused to go on a date with, threw my lunch all over me the next day and starting calling me names, him and his awful 'gang', just as he was doing this, Dave entered the cafeteria and saw him, let's say that jumping off a cliff would have been easier for him from getting punched by Dave.

Back to where we were.

"I don't know, Ed wants us to go out today as it's his and mom's day off, and have some 'family time' he even splashed my face with water to get me to wake up." He said pouting.

"Ohh poor Davie." I said pouting , making both of us laugh.

Ed is my father, well also known as Edward Hamilton, but Dave likes to call him Ed, as he's not his biological dad.

"Who's coming with us?" I said referring to Alexis, I really don't like to hang out with her, even if I'm forced to.

Well actually nobody forces me to do anything, dad always wants to make me happy, noticing how tough my life has recently been.

When I moved here in London, I actually had nothing to miss in San Diego, I had no friends, nothing precious to worry about leaving.

All I left there and I really miss it, memories with my mom.

Angela Baker, my really beautiful and amazing mom, who died two years ago in a car crash.

I never really liked to interact with people after she died, three months after her death, I didn't talk to anybody, didn't do anything interesting, didn't have the courage to make new friends, maybe that's why people stay away from me, they call me in school many names but my favourite out of all 'The mute freak'.

Actually I'm not mute, I just never talked to anybody, also teachers in school hate me, apart from the english teacher, my favourite of all the time, Mr. Breslin.

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