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He nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck even further. His eye lashes tickling your skin. “Are you awake?” he mumbled quietly, running his finger tips up and down your bare arm. “Mm, if you want me to be.” You groaned, opening your eyes just in time to see a flash of lightening. “It’s cuddling weather.” he whispered, pulling your body closer to his.


You were in the midst of making dinner when the power went out completely. You sighed, turning the stove off. “Luke!” you heard some shuffling, and before long a light was facing you from the living room. “What are you doing?” you giggled, coming into view of a fort Luke and constructed from spare blankets and pillows. “I making us a fort to eat dinner in. But I guess we can sit in it and watch the rain fall against the window instead.” he shrugged, “Join me?”


He smiled, tugging at your ankles from the other side of the couch. “Read that over here.” he mumbled, pulling you so you were sitting between his legs and your back was against his chest. “But you don’t like reading..” I laughed, feeling him shrug before resting his chin on your shoulder. “But it’s storming, and if you want to read why not do it while you’re cuddling with me?” he questioned.


He frowned, slumping his shoulders. “It’s storming.” he whined, dropping all the pool toys so they piled up at his feet. “I was hoping we could swim today. It stormed yesterday!” he crossed his arms, looking back at you. You stood in the doorway, with your cover up on over your swim suit. You shrugged, “Why don’t we bake some cookies, and drink some tea, then.” you suggested. “We can watch the lightning, and fall asleep to the sound of the rain drops on the roof.”

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