Chapter 5

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Surprise was evident on the wolfs face. It trotted over to me, and I couldn't help but notice that the alpha smelled of my angel. Before I could react, the wolf playfully jumped on me, knocking me over, and licking my face in an affectionate manner. As soon as the Alpha was close, I knew.

The Alpha of the 'Pura Lupas' pack, was my angel.



*_*_*_*Lilly's POV*_*_*_*

Slowly rising off my now four legs, I glance at the forest surrounding me. Now that I was a werewolf, I could see every skeleton, on every leaf, on every tree. I could smell every single fresh flower, and I could hear the cries of birds, and the thumping sound of every other animals in the clearing.

Wait, what? I tense up and cautiously turn to where the heartbeats were. To my surprise, I was looking at 5 werewolves. Immediately knowing they weren't a threat, I relax my tense muscles. All of them were bowing, except one. I paid no attention to him, and looked at the four wolves who were bowing.

'Rise' my wolf speaks. What? how did I speak without being in my human form?

No matter. My wolf speaks to me.

I mentally shrug. Seeing the wolves had risen, I meet their eyes. I quickly scan their faces, and I nod slightly. These wolves had the looks to put the gods to shame. There were two men and two girls. Looking at the first man, I scan his features. He had light brown hair lying lazily across his forehead, and trailing slightly into his emerald green eyes. The girl next to him was absolutely beautiful. Dark curly hair cascaded past her shoulders and down her back, and she had the deepest brown eyes imaginable. Her coffee coloured skin seemed to glow with radiance. I could tell they were mates.

The other guy had dirty coloured blonde hair, that stuck up in a sexily messy fashion. He had deep blue eyes that could stare into your soul. The girl gripping onto his hand had beautiful, long blonde hair that was so white, you could mistake it as dyed. Her grey eyes were piercing and fierce, but at the same time, gentle and sweet. I smiled briefly at them, and I got grins as a return.

I turn my attention to the final guy. I gasp as I am met with the most beautiful, bright blue eyes.

Mate!! Mate!! He is our second chance!! my wolf rejoiced.

I greedily feast on his beautiful face. His gorgeous midnight black hair looked soft and was in a perfect quiff. His lips looked perfectly plump and pink. But the thing that stood out the most about him was his eyes. They were the bright turquoise, like the sea in the Bahamas on a sunny day. You could get lost in them easily. All I wanted to do was run into his arms and snog his face off. His face was in shock, and he looked ultimately cute.

I trotted over to him and tackled him to the ground. I licked his face in an affectionate manner, and grinned a wolfy grin. He didn't react. His face was still startled.

Then a thought struck me.

He's not reacting. He doesn't want me. He is just like Mason.

I quickly get off him, and turn the opposite way. I do what I do best.


As soon a I start sprinting, I hear some startled intakes of breath, followed by footsteps.

My four legs worked hard, my breath coming out in short pants. Even though I had never trained in my old pack, I felt like I was flying through the evergreen. Trees passed by as a blur and animals ran off as they heard me approaching. My paws hit the ground at an even pace - I was in heaven.

That was, of course, until two white wolves appeared in front of me.


I back up slowly, only to be met by two more pure white wolves. I was cornered.

Suddenly, something wet and warm touched my fur. My head turns to see my 'mate' licking my shoulder comfortingly, as if saying 'I'm here for you.'

Immediately, I calm at the touch of my mate.

'Shift' his eyes said. I nodded, still in a daze. One of the wolves chucked me a pair of shorts and a crop top. I trot behind a tree and shift. It was painful, but nowhere near as painful as the first shift. With my body slightly sore from the shift, I get changed slowly.

Looking down at myself, I notice how the crop top shows my bruised belly, and how the shorts show my scars from my old pack.

"I'm not coming out.." I say quietly, and I know they heard me.

Suddenly, the girl with coffee coloured skin is in front of me. I flinch slightly, and look down, ashamed of my body.

I hear a sharp intake of breath, and suddenly, a pair of arms are wrapped around me. I don't even know why, but I burst into tears. I haven't had somebody hug me since I was 9 years old. After a few minutes of full on crying, I hear a growl. The girl stops hugging me, and I already miss the contact.

"Yeah, yeah, calm down Brandon." She calls out jokingly.

She turns to me.

"Your beautiful. Show your battle scars off proudly. Show off how much you've been through." She wipes my tears.

"Now go get your mate." She winks.

I nod slightly, and surprise even myself, when I launch into the girls arms again. Retracting from the hug, she grabs my hand and gently tugs me out from the shadow of the tree.


Heeeyyy babessss

I decided to keep writing TSR instead of dropping it. Hoped you liked this chapter, it was so short!! sorry;)




-Maia xx

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