Chapter 6

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"I'm not coming out.." I say quietly, and I know they heard me.

Suddenly, the girl with coffee coloured skin is in front of me. I flinch slightly, and look down, ashamed of my body.

I hear a sharp intake of breath, and suddenly, a pair of arms are wrapped around me. I don't even know why, but I burst into tears. I haven't had somebody hug me since I was 9 years old. After a few minutes of full on crying, I hear a growl. The girl stops hugging me, and I already miss the contact.

"Yeah, yeah, calm down Brandon." She calls out jokingly.

She turns to me.

"Your beautiful. Show your battle scars off proudly. Show off how much you've been through." She wipes my tears.

"Now go get your mate." She winks.

I nod slightly, and surprise even myself, when I launch into the girls arms again. Retracting from the hug, she grabs my hand and gently tugs me out from the shadow of the tree.



****Lilly's POV****

I shuffle out from behind the shadow of the tree, feeling self conscious due to the lack of clothes on my body. I stare very hard at the ground, refusing to look up and meet the eyes of any of my 'pack'.

The girl with coffee coloured skin caresses my hand with her thumb gently, providing comfort. Although the feeling is new, I find myself liking it.

Multiple gasps can be heard throughout the clearing, making my once bright eyes, tear up slightly.

Suddenly, 3 more pairs of hands envelop me, grabbing gently onto any bit of me they can find, examining the scars and bruises.

Holding my breath, I wait for the verdict of my mate. Will he kick me out? Ignore me and reject me like Mason?

Finally, I hear the most beautiful voice I have ever heard, speak loud and clearly.

"Welcome to the pack, Mate."

Looking up shyly, I see the 5 beautiful werewolves, bowing, in front of me.

Is this the feeling of someone accepting you?

The unshed tears in my eyes finally fall. This was amazing - I mean, going from being hated to being accepted in a few days was overwhelming. I can't say I wasn't nervous.

"Hello everyone." I speak shyly. "There is no need to bow. We are all equal here."

The girl with the white-blonde hair looks up at me, shocked.

"But, Alpha, we are beneath you." she speaks out, her hypnotising voice embracing me.

"Alpha?" I frown. " There must be some mistake here. I can barely keep myself alive, yet alone a pack!"

This time, the guy with brown hair, raises his eyebrow.

"Yeah, well, we can see that from your scars." he says, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

I growl slightly, my wolf not liking his attitude. I see him cower slightly, and he murmurs 'sorry' under his breath.

This is what I was afraid of. People judging me on my looks, and my scars. I'm not beautiful. I'm ugly. I'm fat, and worthless.

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