Chapter 7

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*-*-*-* Recap *-*-*-*

Without realising, we both start to lean in, and my hands unconsciously move to his chest. His hands go from my face, to my waist, which now tingles with his touch.

Slowly but surely, we grow closer and closer to each other's lips.

Slowly but surely, our hearts beat in sync.

Slowly, but surely, we kiss.

And it's perfect.


*-*-*-* PRESENT TIME *-*-*-*

****** Lilly's POV ******

I really haven't had much experience with the good things in life, but I know that this was by far, the best thing that has/will ever happen to me.

The feeling of Brandon's perfectly soft lips, moving in sync with mine, was indescribable. Sparks didn't just fly, fireworks went off. All I could taste was mint, and all I could think about was, well..Him. His nose was pressed against mine, as our lips got to know each other better. I could feel him breathing softly on our lips through his nose. His beautiful jet black hair was unbelievably soft between my fingers.

I wonder what brand shampoo he used?

Before I could think anymore strange thoughts, he pulled away gently, still cupping my face with his, surprisingly big hand.

I looked up at him shyly, with a faint smile on my face. He looked like he was glowing. His hair was messed up, his eyes were luminously bright, and he had the biggest grin spread across his perfect face.

His thumbs traced my now swollen lips, and if it was possible, his grin extended. Suddenly, a howl could be heard in the distance. Brandon sighed, and turned to me.

"That's your pack, Lilly. They are trying to contact you to see if your okay." Brandon says, looking at me with a slightly annoyed look. Like he was upset we had been interrupted.

Without a second thought, I opened my mouth, and howled loudly. For a second, my wolf took over.

It's okay. I'm safe.

Immediately, I got numerous howls back.
Where are you?

Are you alright?

Did Brandon find you?

I'm sorry Alpha for disrespecting you.

The last one, I assumed, was from Mark. Even if he had basically told me I was ugly and couldn't take care of them, I told myself, and my pissed off wolf, to give him one more chance.

I am fine. Brandon found me and we will be coming back now. Mark, you have one more chance. Next time I will not hesitate in punishing you when you step out of line. Understood?

Brandon turned to me after my very long howl, and pecked me on the lips."I'm proud of you babe, your going to be a great Alpha."

I have no idea why, but that single sentence made my heart flutter. I'm going to be the best Alpha I can be.

My pack deserve it.

They deserve an Alpha who cares about them, and protects them. I will be that Alpha.

I stand up slowly, dusting off my shorts and briefly pulling down my crop top.

"C'mon, mate, I need to find my pack."

Brandon looked up at me, grinning. "Let's go."

Immediately, we both shifted into our pure white wolves. I couldn't stop admiring how beautiful he was in wolf form. Even though I was taller as a wolf, he looked stronger. His leg and back muscles were defined, much like in his human form. I was quite thin, without any muscle really, much like in MY human form.

I gestured my head towards where the howls came from, as if saying 'let's go'.

He nodded once, and we started to run.

It was exhilarating to feel my mates fur rush against mine as we run. I think I was already falling for him slightly. After all, he's perfect.


***20 Minutes Later***

We finally arrive at the clearing, and both immediately shift back. As soon as I had finished shifted, Brandon's t-shirt was immediately thrust onto my torso, the shirt ending halfway down my thigh. Brandon was thrown a pair of shorts, and quickly threw them on, his six pack glistening slightly with sweat. After a few moments I force myself to look away from those god-like abs.

The four members of my pack smirk at me knowingly, and I can't help but blush a little bit.

Composing myself, I speak up. "I'm sorry for running off like that. Im humbled you were worried about me, only after just meeting me. The reason why I did was pretty obvious" I quickly glanced at Mark, who looked down, ashamed. "But I've decided to let it go. I hope in your eyes I haven't failed you as an Alpha by running off, you deserve a great alpha, and I hope I can live up to your standards. I'm Lilly by the way. Don't feel like you have to call me Alpha, just call me Lilly. I would prefer to be friends with you all than to scare you into what I want you to do. Thank you all." I finish with a smile on my face. As I look at my pack, they all have huge grins on their faces.

Suddenly, I'm being hugged, well, squeezed tightly by all my pack.This felt great.This felt like home.


***An hour later **

An hour ago, Brandon suggested we all started to head home, and we all agreed, especially me, it had been a long day.

(A/n I'm ill and tired and couldn't be bothered to write about the hour bit thingy - sorry bæs)

I saw glowing in the distance - like lights. Brandon looked at me and nodded his head towards the lights.

'That's the pack house'

I nodded in response and sped up, wanting to get to bed. The pack followed and soon enough, we arrived at a mansion.

The mansion was tall, at least 5 floors, and had vines and ivy climbing the walls. Even though it was dark, I could see everything perfectly.

Looking around, everyone else had shifted and were waiting for me to shift. Once again, as soon as I shifted, Brandon's T shirt was put on me before anyone saw anything. I was incredibly tired, and collapsed on the ground, showing no signs of getting up.

Suddenly, I felt two arms around me, and I was off the ground. I looked at Brandon sleepily, as he carried me bridal style to our room. I wasn't paying attention to the surroundings, so I vowed to look at everything in the morning.

Before I knew it, I was placed on a silky surface, which I assumed was a bed. I felt it dip beside me and I knew Brandon had gotten in. He immediately started stroking my hair, and I felt even more tired at the feeling.

But before I fell asleep, my big mouth decided to make an appearance.

"What shampoo do you use?"



Hi guys

Sorry if that update was crap - I'm not well and I'm so fucking tired omg

I'll try to update tomorrow

This update took so long omg

I'm going to bed now haha

Night night

-Maia xox

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