Chapter 8

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Hi everyone - I'm so so so sorry I haven't updated. I've had some family problems that have caused me to be a bit too upset to update.. But I'm here now! You guys deserve an update, sorry again. -Maia xox</p>

But before I fell asleep, my big mouth decided to make an appearance.

"What shampoo do you use?"

---------------------------------------------- *Present time*

*Lilly's POV*

I woke up to the sunlight softly shining through beautiful white satin curtains. Not recognising where I am, I sit up quickly. My eyes dart around, struggling to remember. Suddenly, I remember. Brandon took me here after my shift. My mate took me to safety.

Grinning slightly about the night before, I think of the words I said just before I fell asleep. My grin falters.

Ugh. I bury my head in my hands, cringing at the thought. Stupid Lilly. He'll never want you now.

Moving on, I think about what else I said last night.

I slowly look up, remembering my promise to look around the mansion. Now that I had finished cringing, I was able to look around the most amazing room I've ever been in. It was big. Really big. The soft satin bed I was lying on was pure white. The bed frame was a beige colour and was absolutely gorgeous. The bed was to the left back corner of the room, next to a huge glass wall, covered my extremely thin white curtains that were blowing softly in the summer breeze. There were light brown wood floorboards on the floor, covered in the middle of the room by a medium sized cream coloured carpet. On the opposite wall, all I could see was books. Shelves and shelves of them. They lead up the ceiling, and there was one of those cliché ladders that moves. Speaking of the ceiling, a giant glass chandelier hung down. The door was made of elm, and it was like 2 huge doors put together, so you can open them up from inside. Patterns were engraved into the doors, swirling around in beautifully random ways. All in all, it was perfect.

Suddenly, I could smell a hint of pancakes. My eyes opened comically, and a huge grin settled on my face. This was for 2 reasons.

1) This was the first time I wouldn't have to make breakfast for a pack, in forever. Literally.

2) It was pancakes - how could I not be excited?

Quickly, I hop out of bed, and I'm surprised about how high the bed is. Looking down, I notice that Brandon's shirt was still resting on my body. I smile, it smelled like him.

I start walking towards the door, my feet scuffing slightly against the wood. My feet then made contact with the soft cream carpet. I moaned loudly.

This was heaven.</p>

"God that noise was hot."

I jump and turn around quickly, so quickly that I fall flat on my arse. Great. Just great.

Two arms were wrapped around my stomach, and I was lifted back onto my feet. Turning around, I saw my gorgeous mate. Slapping his chest lightly, I blush.

"Don't sneak up on me like that!" I spoke confidently, a grin on my face.

"Babe, I wasn't sneaking up on you. I was asleep until I heard that sexy moan come out of your mouth." He winked.

Slapping his chest once more, I mutter something like 'shut up' under my breath.

"How come you were moaning huh? Were you thinking of me?" he said, his lips suddenly on my neck. My eyes closed at the feeling and I pressed my body against his.

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