Chapter 10: Not exactly my luck..

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I stared into the layered chocolate brown eyes in front of me then shook my head and looked away at the same time as Sam had. I slowly glanced back at him just to find him staring again.

"Uh... Hi" I said with I shy smile.

"Hey" he replied putting one hand in his pocket and his other hand holding onto his starbucks drink.

"You're beautiful.. I uh... Sorry. It's just... I can't stop looking at you" he said with that half smile that could kill a bitch.

"Really? You think so? I mean thank you. And you too. No! I don't mean like... Girly beautiful.. I mean like.. Manly... Beautiful. Ugh of course I have to screw it up again."

I am such a dork. Just like everyone says. I put my hand on my forehead. Oddly enough I wish I had never bumped into him. A warm hand finds my shoulder and I suddenly feel safe.

"You didn't screw anything up. Listen, I'd really like to spend more time with you. What do you say we meet up at the mall tomorrow around noon?" He said with another glowing grin. I can't believe I have the chance to spend the day with Sam FREAKING Pottorff.

"Yeah... Absolutely." I said brushing a piece of my golden brown hair behind my ear. He took his hand off my shoulder.

"Great see ya around. Oh! Wait... Can I get your number?" He pulled his phone out of his pocket and held it out in front of me. I pulled out my iPhone and gave it to him and took his. He already put my contact name as 'cacia bears' and I smiled at the sight. I put my number in his phone then pulled a "High school musical" by taking a quick selfie and making it the contact photo. I saw him laugh and repeat me. We returned eachother's phones.

"There you go." I giggled and brushed my bangs behind my ear again.

"Thanks beautiful." He said and pushed his cart away with a smile. This is a dream. He doesn't like me. He can't. I don't know.. It's just not my kind of luck! At all...

I pushed my cart away and continued getting the items on my list.

When I got home I went to my bedroom and went on twitter. I gained about 3000 followers?!? That's really weird... I saw my mentions going insane and had to see what was up.

(Idk if these usernames actually exist)

@whatRfrands4: @acaciabrinley wtf is your problem

@lawleysb_tch: slut @acaciabrinley

@O2f_ckingL: kill yourself @acaciabrinley

My eyes teared up.. This is my first time getting hate like this. But why? Why am I getting hate like this? Am I that bad of a person?

No. There has to be something triggering them.

I kept scrolling through my mentions seeing good and bad things. Wait.



I couldn't believe what I saw.

The picture in front of my face made me understand why all these O2L fans were on my back.



You can hate me (:

I promise to update more!

I might start a new story soon with Acacia and Demi... Inspired by @lesfordemsi with her book "save me" but with a whole different storyline... What do you guys think?

Oh well I'll try

See you soonnnn


Acacia Brinley Clark: Internet FameWhere stories live. Discover now