Short Malec Morning Fluff

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Alec wakes up the next morning, very glad that his mother has been taking over as Head of the Institute so that he can take a bit of time off to spend with Magnus. He holds Magnus close as he continues to sleep. Alec feels the familiar urge grow in his bladder, groaning since that means getting up because he's still nude from last night's events. He sets Magnus next to him as carefully as possible before heading to the bathroom. Magnus woke up seconds later to Alec's side of the bed being empty. He gets worried, not used to waking up to an empty bed. Magnus feels the sheets, notices they're still warm, and starts to relax, sighing in relief. He hears footsteps approach the bedroom.
"Alexander?" "I'm right here don't stress Mags." He walks into their shared bedroom, still naked, and gets back into bed beside Magnus. "Where did you go?" "Just to the bathroom, miss me already? It was only like two minutes." Alec chuckles and Magnus smiles at him. "Two seconds is too long without you~" "Okay now you're just being overly-cliche." Both men start laughing as they pull each other closer. Alec kisses Magnus sweetly on the forehead, causing the warlock to smile widely.
"Well it is still fairly early so let us try to get more sleep." "Alright no objections." They both relax as they settle back into bed together. Magnus snaps his fingers, placing a diaper on Alec before he drifts off. "Really?" He groans and Magnus smiles. "What? I don't want you leaving again~" Alec knows he's not winning this one and just lets Magnus do what he wants, falling back asleep with the older man in his arms.

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