Jace Babysits

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When Magnus gets home, his phone goes off. He groans and puts Alec down on the couch, seeing that a client is getting ahold of him. He takes Alec to his nursery and gets him into a clean diaper since he had an accident during his panic attack, a dark blue onesie, and a pair of sweats as he talks on the phone with his client. He groans, unable to get out of this one. Magnus calls Jace immediately, knowing that Alec is at an age that he can trust with Jace alone.

JW: Yo Magnus what's up?
MB: I have to head out. Could you come by and watch Alec for a few hours maybe?
JW: Yeah sure no problem I'll head over now.
MB: Thank you. I'm putting him down for his nap so he should be easy today.
JW: Don't worry I can handle my toddler parabatai pretty well.
MB: Alright thank you again. Feel free to invite Simon if you need any help alright? Or Luke works as well.
JW: Okay. I'm walking over so I'll see you in a bit. Laters Bane.

Jace hangs up and heads out. Magnus puts Alec down in his crib, taking off the sweats in the end since he's going to be under a blanket anyways. Alec rubs his eyes and yawns around his pacifier. "You want a bottle before your nap?" "Sippy cup p'ease. Not a baby." "Oh of course not dear. I just figured a bottle might be better so that you can lie down and get cozy while you drink." Alec nods and Magnus gets a bottle ready. He lets Alec hold it himself as he drinks so that Magnus can tuck him in and to show that he's a big boy. Once Alec finishes, he burps once and starts to fall asleep instantly. Magnus smiles and turns on his nightlight before turning off the main light. Alec falls asleep cuddling Church and snuggled in his pink fluffy blanket, which has become his favorite because by the angel that's soft.
Jace knocks on the door gently and Magnus opens it quietly. "Thank you again Jace. He's asleep now but I don't know when he's going to wake up." He hands him the baby monitor and grabs his jacket. "No problem dude. I'll text you if anything alright?" Magnus nods as he leaves. Jace sits on the couch and sets the monitor on the table, turning it up so he can hear any movement or unsteady breath from Alec.
Twenty minutes later, he hears Alec grunt. Jace gets up and goes to him and sees him sitting up in his crib, stretching as he turns the light on. "Jacey!" "Hey there little buddy! That wasn't a long nap, you still tired?" "Nuh uh! Wanna play!" Jace laughs and lets down the side of Alec's crib so he can get him out. He sits on the floor with Alec and ruffles his hair. "What sounds like fun to you?" "Um... I have race cars!" "Awesome! Where are they so I can get them for us to play." Alec points at his toy box and Jace finds the cars. "Woah these actually look pretty cool." Jace chuckles at how detailed they are, he might just have to take a couple to display in his room or something. He puts them down beside Alec as he sits in front of the boy. As they play with the cars, Jace gets an idea.
"Hey buddy? Want a cookie?" "Papa says I can no have too much sweet." "That's right, but one cookie isn't bad right?" Alec shakes his head. Jace helps him stand up and guides him to the kitchen. He gets Alec a sippy cup of milk and a cookie. Alec takes his pacifier out and eats the cookie, breaking off a piece for Jace. "Thank you for sharing with me. Did your papa teach you that?" "Nuh uh. Iz teachded me." Jace laughs at the way he said 'teached', which isn't a word anyways, and nods. "That's good." Jace tries to think of things to do with Alec that cause a bit of extra mischief, knowing that the cookie will give him a sugar rush and suggested it for that reason. He sees Magnus's mini bar and smirks.
"Hey Alec. Wanna play a game?" "Yeah!" "Great! Let's play 'Hide The Bottles' and you play by hiding all of the alcohol bottles around the loft. Wanna play?" "Yeah!" Jace's smirk grows and they start hiding all of the liquor in places that Magnus would never think of. Jace starts thinking again, he wants to teach Alec a thing or two that could irritate Magnus. He's still not a huge fan of the warlock.
"Hey Alec. Did you know that-... Hmm maybe I shouldn't tell you..." "P'ease Jacey! Imma big boy I can know!" Alec hates secrets. "You're so right buddy. Okay... Did you know... That... Stuffies like to run away from little kids?" Alec gasps and holds Church closer. "Church no run 'way right?" "Only if you tickle your papa every night." He remembers how much Magnus LOATHES being tickled and knows that Alec will make sure that he tickles Magnus nightly. Alec nods, determined to keep Church by his side and forgetting this important fact. Jace grins like the little devil he is and takes Alec back to his room to play more.
After three hours, Magnus returns home and goes straight to the nursery. "When did he wake up?" "About twenty minutes after you left actually." "Hi Papa!" "Hello my little turtle." The nickname was from a single situation when they first started ageplay together but Magnus found it adorable so it stuck. Magnus kisses Alec's head and ruffles his hair. "He's had a snack and we've played the entire time. Right buddy?" "Yeah!" Magnus nods and looks at Jace as the shadowhunter smiles at his newest text. "I gotta run. I have a date with Simon." He grins and hugs Alec. "Bye buddy. I'll see you again soon okay?" "Kay Jacey!" Jace smiles and heads for the door. "Later Bane!" Magnus hears the front door close and holds Alec close to him.
"I'm sorry for leaving sweetie. Papa got busy." "Is 'kay papa." Alec squirms for a split second before looking away from Magnus, playing with Church after getting settled again. Magnus notices the growing swell between his legs and crouches to Alec's level. "Need help with that, honey?" Alec nods and lies down, knowing their routine. He changes Alec's diaper quickly, being a pro at this point, and closes his onesie back up. He holds his little close then freezes, feeling fingers moving on his sides. He laughs a bit then makes Alec stop, hating that feeling. He looks at the boy with a bit of a stern look.
"Now Alexander. There is no tickling papa or anyone without permission alright?" Alec looks upset, he hates upsetting his papa. "I sowwy..." He looks down and Magnus sighs, making Alec look him in the eye. "I am not upset or angry sweetheart. I just don't like being tickled and some others don't either." "But Jacey say I asposed to tickle Papa ever night!" "You're supposed to tickle me? Why is that?" Magnus is determined to have a talk with Jace  immediately. "He say dat Stuffies run 'way from kids who no tickle their mamas and papas ever night so I gotta tickle you so dat Church no leave." Magnus nods in understanding. "Little turtle listen to me. Church loves you too much to ever leave you and you don't have to tickle me to make him stay. Plus papa doesn't like tickles, they make him uncomfortable and that's no fun right?" Alec shakes his head. "I vewy sowwy Papa..." "I forgive you honey. Now, did you hide Papa's alcohol?" "Jacey say it a game. I can show you where." "Thank you." Alec shows Magnus where all of his alcohol was hidden and then hugs Magnus after.
"I love you papa..." "I love you too Alexander. How does a movie sound?" Alec nods and lets Magnus lead him to the living room to watch a movie with him.
Jace gets a text that makes him laugh loudly immediately, making Simon look at him strangely as they walk to the bar holding hands. Jace shows his confused boyfriend the text and Simon laughs.

MB: "You're a prick, Chase."

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