How It All Began

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By the time they all got back to the loft, Alec began to age up. Simon leaves and Alec changes into more age appropriate clothing, but put on a pull-up under his boxers for an extra precaution. He tries to get used to the thinner padding between his legs before he goes to Magnus. Said warlock is lounging on the couch with a martini in one hand, his phone in the other. Alec sits beside him and kisses his cheek, wrapping an arm around his boyfriend's shoulder. Magnus smiles.
"Well hello darling." "Hey Mags." They share a sweet kiss and just smile at each other. "You know, Alexander. You regressed quite young for a while. Do you remember anything?" Alec thinks for a moment. "Bits and pieces right now. I'll probably remember all of it later. So apparently I have an Uncle Luke and Simon is my best friend." Magnus laughs a little, setting down his martini. "Did you know that you make an adorable baby?" "Good to know. I honestly don't know why I regressed to infancy... It felt really nice and relaxing not gonna lie..." Alec hides his face in Magnus's neck to hide his growing blush. Magnus makes him look at him.
"You know, I never asked before. How did all of this even start?" Alec sighs and rubs the back of his neck, not sure how to answer. He sighs and looks Magnus dead in the eye.
"It was maybe about five years ago when I first tried it out..."
*Alec was a sixteen year old and already felt the world on his shoulders. His fourteen year old sister, Isabelle, has been trying to figure out ways to help him relax where it won't draw attention like training. She continues on the private browser of her phone, looking up coping techniques. She finds one titled 'Ageplay' and gets curious. After she gets passed all the sexual crap, she finds that people would use this to destress. She goes to Alec's bedroom and opens the door, not surprised by seeing him hit his head against a wall again.
"Hello big brother!" "Hey Izzy. What's up?" He tries to smile, never wanted his sister to truly see his misery. She hugs him before opening the page on her phone and having him read it. He gives her a confused look as he shuts and locks his door. "Why are you showing me this?" "You could totally use this Alec!" "What? No way...! I would get in so much trouble..." "What if no one found out? It could be just between you and me. Alec you didn't have a childhood and even if you just act around six or seven with me for an hour a week, you might benefit from it!" He sighs, he's considering it. He looks at his sister. "How would I even act anyways? And what if it doesn't work?" "Trial and error." He nods and lets Izzy make him sit on his bed. She starts petting his hair and he starts to relax. She speaks to him in a way that one might speak to a child and he instantly loves it. "Want any water or something sweetie? Or how about we relax for a bit and I can read to you?" He nods and hugs her, already starting to relax.*
"So... Yeah... Izzy had us try her just coddling me for a month or two and I loved it, so we branched out and tried more things. I guess it just stuck with me you know? It is pretty relaxing and the comfort is the best." Magnus smiles at Alec and kisses the tip of his nose. "Remind me to thank Isabelle later." Alec chuckles softly and hugs Magnus. "Alright I will. But for now~" He stands up and lifts Magnus off of the couch. The warlock squeaks and clings to him. "WHY?!" "You carried me for so long, let me do the same." Alec finds it extremely funny and enjoys it. Magnus pouts at him. "It is not the same! Now Alexander you put me down this instant!" He kisses Magnus's forehead and shakes his head no. He carries him to their bedroom and lays him gently on the bed. Magnus pouts still as Alec laughs. Alec lies down beside Magnus and stretches, causing he Warlock to see his underwear.
"Is this wise?" "Mags it's fine." "I don't know." Alec sighs and reveals the pull-up under his boxers. Magnus smiles. "How adorable. Take your pants off I want to see how they fit." "Nope." "Oh please Alexander! I change your diapers and need I remind I haven't only changed wet ones." Alec looks confused then mortified. "When...?" "Let's just say that your nightmare while you were Little really did scare the shit out of you." Magnus uses a teasing tone, which makes Alec worse as he hides under the blanket on their bed. "Aww don't hide from me." "Nope go away." Magnus pulls the blanket away and smiles apologetically. "Sorry, love." Alec shrugs and kisses his cheek. "Don't be. I need to learn to not be so sensitive." Magnus nods and cuddles into him. "Relax the rest of the night?" "Sounds good to me I probably have way too much shit to catch up on at the Institute." Magnus nods and they both get ready for bed.

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