Cute Family Moments

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It's two weeks later and Lydia is so thankful for stamina runes, Pandora woke her up constantly. Maryse left the night before so Lydia is on her own at night. She's sure that Magnus is grateful that she asked Catarina to soundproof her room so that they wouldn't have been woken up a lot throughout the night. Lydia is currently feeding Pandora, the sun barely rose so it's still pretty early but the view from Lydia's window is beautiful with all the color in the sky.
Alec wakes up next to Magnus an hour later and rubs his eyes with closed fists. He sees that he's in the big bed and not sleeping with a shirt on so he's confused. He pokes Magnus's face, causing him to twitch. "Not now, Alexander. Go back to sleep." "Papa?" Magnus's eyes shoot open quickly and he looks at Alec. "What?" "Papa where my shirt? And where mama?" Magnus curses in his head, hoping that they could have waited a bit longer before Alec aged down again for the sake of Pandora and Lydia. The warlock smiles to hopefully trick Alec into thinking that everything is normal. "You were sweaty last night, turtle. So I thought that only your diaper would be good. Mama is in her room right now." Alec nods, believing everything. He adjusts himself as he's sitting up and looks at Magnus. "Papa?" "Yes, sweetie?" "My diaper yucky." Magnus nods and sighs 'Looks like potty training today will be harder.' He thinks as he adjusts the blanket around his waist. "Why don't you meet me in your room and I can change you there?" "Kay!" Alec goes to the nursery and Magnus picks up underwear off the floor so that Alec doesn't see something that he shouldn't when he's little. He snaps on some pants and goes to the nursery to change Alec.
Lydia is sitting in a rocking chair in her room, rocking slowly as pandora stays cuddled on her chest. Magnus knocks on the door and enters, smiling at what he sees. "Sorry to ruin your moment but... We may have an issue..." Lydia looks up in concern. "What?" "Alexander woke up in his toddler headspace today." Lydia sighs. "That can't be helped. Should we introduce the little guy to his new sister?" Magnus nods. "He's going to notice that his mama has an almost flat belly so might as well tell him now." Lydia nods and stands up slowly with Pandora. "Take him into the living room. I'll walk in without Pandora first so that he can see that I lost the belly then you bring her out so we can do introductions." Magnus nods, slightly scared of Alec hurting the baby on accident. Lydia can see his fear and nods. "I feel the same. He will not hold her he will only look at her. She was born two weeks ago she cannot handle too much physical strength." Magnus nods and goes to place Alec in the living room.
Magnus holds Pandora carefully in his arms as Lydia goes to talk to Alec. Once she's in his line of sight, the toddler smiles. "Mama!" "Hi bunny." He gasps. "Mama your tummy small!" "Yes it is. Do you know what that means?" He shakes his head. "That means that mama had her baby and you get to meet your sister." Alec's jaw drops and he smiles after. "Magnus, you can bring her now." Magnus walks in with Pandora in his arms, she's not swaddled so her tiny arms and legs are moving around some. He hands her to Lydia, who soothes her in seconds to where she's lying contently in her arms. Alec looks at the baby girl and doesn't move. "She so cute..." "Yes she is. Her name is Pandora." Alec smiles a little. "Hi." Lydia smiles at how quiet he kept his voice. Pandora opens her eyes and looks at Alec, though she cannot see anything she knows his voice. He giggles softly. "We all have to be super careful with her okay?" "Kay." Magnus kneels beside them. "How about you and I spend some time together while mama and Pandora stay here and sleep? Mama is tired and babies that are just born need to sleep a lot." Alec nods and kisses Pandora's head super gently before going with Magnus to get dressed, Lydia smiling the entire time.
Alec gets dressed and into his tiny form. He goes to Lydia's room and walks in to see her taping a clean diaper onto Pandora. Lydia notices Alec and lifts him up to see her. He waves at her and kisses Lydia's cheek. "Bye mama. Ress." "Yes I'll rest." Alec bumps into Magnus as he leaves the room. "Papa!" "Come along, kiddo. Uncle Jace and Simon are going to meet us at the park." Magnus looks up at Lydia. "I have Luke some of the potion to give to the boys if they ever wanted to go out with us and Simon decided to be little today so we're meeting up." "Have fun. I'll send a picture so that they can see her. If anyone asks, Jace is my brother. We look alike anyways." Magnus nods and leaves with Alec. Lydia takes a selfie of her and Pandora to send to Magnus, he smiles when he receives it.
Once Alec and Magnus get to the park, Simon runs and hugs Alec. Magnus sees Jace and waves, sitting beside him. They watch Simon and Alec run around and play on the slides and everything when they see a little girl join them. Magnus groans. "I recognize that child. Her parents are so f- Hello Leslie hello Mark." He greets them with fake enthusiasm as they sit beside him and Jace. "Hey Magnus! Who's your friend? And where's Lydia?" "Lydia is at home. This is her brother, Jace. He's here with his son." "Nice to meet you both." Jace goes through the introductions. "So why did Lydia stay home?" "Our daughter was born a couple of weeks ago so we figured that they could use the quiet time to rest while we let the little ones burn energy." The couple nods in understanding. "Congratulations on the baby girl. What's her name?" "Pandora." Jace smiles. "He loves his niece." Magnus pulls up the picture that Lydia sent him and the couple and Jace smile. "Oh she's adorable. You excited about your baby niece." "Extremely." Simon runs over to them with Alec and Jessica trailing behind. "Daddy save me! I no wanna lose!" Jace laughs and lifts him onto his shoulder, out of reach of the other two. "No fair no fair!" Simon laughs. Alec sees the picture on Magnus's phone and smiles. "Do you like being a big brother Alec?" Mark crouched to is eye level. Alec nods.
The couple and their daughter leave after while and Simon and Alec run around more. Jace texts with Lydia about the encounter and Magnus watches the boys. "I could definitely see you two being siblings." Jace looks at the warlock and smiles. "Yeah I agree. Hell her and I don't have any blood family I'm down to be her brother." Magnus laughs a bit and sees the boys running back. "Daddy I wanna go home. I'm getting hungry." "Okay. How about we go home and eat then go visit auntie Lydia and the baby?" "Yeah!" Simon jumps into Jace's arms and they head home, leaving Magnus and Alec. The Little in toddler form walks up to Magnus and smiles, tapping his knee once. "Tag you it!" He then starts running and Magnus chases after him.
After about two hours of Magnus playing with Alec, Jace sends him a picture of him holding Pandora and Simon kissing her forehead. Magnus smiles and Alec looks. "Cute baby." "Yes she is a very cute baby. Ready to go home?" "Yeah." Magnus takes Alec home and decides to place Alec on his shoulders, running every now and then.
Magnus walks in to Simon face down on the floor sleeping and Lydia asleep while leaning on Jace, who is feeding Pandora using a bottle filled with breast milk so Lydia can rest. Alec walks in quietly and plays with a puzzle of his so that no one wakes up. Jace looks up at Magnus and gives a slight grin. "I think I've replaced you as most helpful." Magnus rolls his eyes and flicks Jace's ear, grinning at the same time. Jace sticks his tongue out and finishes feeding Pandora, burping her carefully over his shoulder. Magnus raises an eyebrow. "Maybe you should have been the father with Lydia. You are both naturals at this." "Nah. I love Simon too much for that. Plus I can still be the badass favorite uncle in her life. If Lydia has another, tell her to name him Jason." Magnus chuckles softly and nods towards Lydia, who's waking up. Jace looks at her as she turns to look at him. "How long was I asleep?" "Ten minutes maybe?" She nods and smiles at Magnus. "How was the park? Jace told me you ran into those mundanes again." Magnus nods. "They send their congratulations." She nods. "Lyd I got her if you want to go sleep." "No I'm fine just hand me my stele." Magnus takes her stele off of the table and goes to hide it. "Hey!" "Here, hand me Pandora and go take Lydia to bed." Jace nods and carefully hands him the two week old baby. The shadowhunter then lifts Lydia off of the couch and takes her to her bedroom. She doesn't protest and instead lets him tuck her into bed. "If she starts crying, come wake me." "Nope." She sighs in defeat. Her phone goes off and she smiles as she reads the text. "You wouldn't mind being related to me?" Jace shrugs and smirks at her. "I would be down to be family with you, Lydia. Biologically I only have my grandmother that I can't stand and biologically you only have your daughter who has only been around a couple weeks. Trust me when I say I see you as family and as an older sister to me even if our names don't match. Now, get some sleep." He fixes her blanket and kisses her forehead like he would to Simon or she would to Alec or even Jace himself. She laughs a bit and gets comfortable, falling asleep instantly.
Jace goes into the living room to see Magnus playing with Alec while holding Pandora. Jace takes the baby so that Alec gets Magnus's full attention and smiles at how happy his tiny parabatai is.

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