Magnus comes home, Domestic AF, and Lydia feels

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Today was the day that Magnus was supposed to come home. Lydia is currently in her bed, still asleep, with Alec in her arms.
Lydia is awoken by the sounds of Alec crying. She immediately runs out of her room and into his nursery. She turns the light on and rushes to him. Given that he went to bed in the headspace of about four, he slept in his toddler bed instead of his crib. She sits on the edge of the bed and pulls him closer to her. "What's wrong, bunny?" "S-scary dream... Mama an Papa leave... Red stuff..." Lydia realizes that Alec had a nightmare of herself and Magnus dying in front of him. She pulls him closer. "It was only a dream... Mama is safe and you'll see Papa soon. Tell you what. How about you sleep with me in my bed tonight? I'll keep the bad dreams away." Alec nods but doesn't move. She looks at him and realization hits her. "Do you need a change before we go to my room?" He nods and she changes him quickly, he nearly leaked. Once he was cleaned up, she leads him to her room and they get under her blankets. "I love you mama." "I love you more bunny." They fall asleep, Alec cuddled into her arms.
Lydia feels someone poking her face and groans a bit. "Bunny. Mama is still sleepy okay? Give me a few more minutes." "Well hello to you too." She opens her eyes and sees Magnus. She smirks at him. "Hey creep." "How am I a creep?" "You're looming over my bed and staring at me in the dark." "Fair point." "Now shush. If Alec wakes up he's your problem, I already woke up once at 3am due to his nightmare and haven't sleep too much this past week. I love him to death but fuck I need sleep." He laughs quietly and nods. He pets her hair softly, causing her to fall back asleep, and leaves the room silently.
About two hours later, Lydia walks out of her bedroom with Alec's hand in hers. She forgot that Magnus was home so she kept her pants off again. She takes Alec to his nursery to get him dressed for the day, not noticing Magnus watching them both. Alec walks out of his nursery first about ten minutes later and sees Magnus. He smiles.
"Papa!" "My little turtle!" Alec hugs him tightly and Magnus laughs. He hears Lydia run to her room, presumably to put pants on. She comes out, adjusting the waistband of her sweats. She smiles at Magnus and playfully slaps his arm. "How about I make breakfast for the three of us while you catch up with MY little bunny." She smirks and walks to the kitchen, not waiting for Magnus to respond. He shakes his head at her and kisses Alec's cheek. The shadowhunter smiles at his papa and they sit on the couch together, cuddling close. Magnus uses his magic to summon a blanket over them, taking full advantage of his time with Alec. The boy's current headspace is about three so he's old enough to comprehend things, but still very clingy. Alec babbles on for what feels like an eternity to himself about what happened while Magnus was gone, the warlock smiling and listening intently to every word.
Lydia calls them both to the table and Magnus is reluctant to get up. He lifts Alec into his arms, making him laugh, and walks to the kitchen. As Lydia serves everyone, Magnus puts Alec on a chair between the two. Lydia hands the warlock a bib and Magnus raises an eyebrow. "Trust me." He shrugs and puts it on Alec. "I was thinking that the three of us could spend the day together, if you're free Magnus." "I am actually. Maybe we should go to a park or something, then come home and watch movies, maybe do an activity like baking afterwards or something?" "That all sounds like fun to me. What do you think, sweetie?" Alec only nods, Lydia has been teaching him to not talk with his mouth full so he only nods as he chews. "Thank you for keeping your mouth closed, honey." Magnus smiles at the scene in front of him. "Domestic." "What was that, Magnus?" "What?" "I thought you said something." "Nope. You're hearing things shadowhunter." She rolls her eyes and grins, then puts her focus on wiping Alec's face. Magnus is shocked that Alec lets Lydia do so, he always fought whenever Magnus tried.
Once everyone is finished, Lydia collects everyone's plates. "Go get him ready for today while I clean up and get dressed." "Alright. Let's go my little turtle." "Kay!" Alec follows Magnus to his nursery to get dressed while Lydia starts washing the dishes.
Alec looks at the outfit that Magnus pulls out of his drawers and smiles, he pulled out his 'Papa's Little Fighter' onesie and a pair of jeans. Magnus pulls open the drawer that contains Alec's diapers and pull-ups and pulls out a diaper, much to Alec's dismay. "No." "Excuse me?" "No, please." "Well thank you for being polite but I was not asking you darling." "But I'm a big boy!" He pouts at his Papa. "Yes I know but we're going to the park and your pull-ups won't hold very much if you forget to ask us to take you to go potty and have an accident instead. Just trust your Papa honey." Alec reluctantly nods and lies down to get changed. "Still a big boy." "Yes you're still a big boy."
Lydia heard everything over the baby monitor on the kitchen counter and can't help but feel guilty, like she's encroached too much on their happiness. She finishes cleaning and starts to head to her bedroom to get dressed. Magnus sees the anxious frown in her face when she passes the nursery door. He decides to bring it up later and focuses on getting Alec dressed. Lydia goes through her drawers and picks out some casual warm clothing, it's a bit cold outside. As she finishes getting dressed, she hears Alec and Magnus laughing from the other room. She sighs and focuses on tying up her hair. She sits on the couch in the living room and waits for the boys. Magnus chases Alec out of his nursery, trying to get him to wear a jacket. Lydia smiles, albeit a bit sadly, and just watches them. Alec lands on the couch beside her and hugs her, noticing his mama. She smiles and pets his hair, wrapping an arm around him. "Alexander you need to put on a jacket before we leave." Alec looks at Lydia and she nods in agreement. The Little lets out an exaggerated sign and lets Magnus put a jacket on him. "Thank you, sweetheart." Lydia continues to just watch, completely missing what Magnus said to her.
"Lydia?" "What? Sorry I spaced out." "I said activate Alec's and your glamour runes so that we can leave and be comfortable." She nods and does as he asked, tying her shoes quickly after.
The three walked to the park, Alec holding both of their hands. Lydia knew that there were no patrols today so they didn't have to worry about Alec being seen by a shadowhunter. Lydia's mind continues to go back to earlier that morning, still feeling like she's a bother now that Magnus is back and she's so invested. Alec doesn't seem to notice that she's upset at all, but Magnus can. Once they get to the park, Magnus uses his magic to set up a blanket and toys for Alec to play with, knowing that's what he's most comfortable with. Magnus sits on the bench beside Lydia after helping Alec get settled. He looks at her.
"What is it?" "I'm sorry?" "You've been upset this morning and you're zoning out, you usually watch Alexander like a hawk and now you're barely noticing things." "Just... Work on my mind..." "You are a terrible liar." He scouts closer and looks into her eyes, seeing the inner conflict she has. "Am I too much? Did I overstep a boundary? I feel like I basically forced you two to let me in for my own selfish desires of taking care of someone else. If I wasn't so overbearing over Alec, he wouldn't have called me mama and I wouldn't have had to move in to accommodate him. I completely ruined this little paradise that you two had created just because I felt that I had no purpose and needed to feel like I was needed..." By that time, tears began to stream down her face. Magnus looks at her, shocked by her feelings. He rests a hand on her arm. "Lydia Branwell how dare you think so low of yourself." She looks up at him, shocked by his words. 'He wasn't going to use what I said as an excuse to kick me out?' She thought to herself. "You hadn't ruined anything! I personally think that you improved things. And though you may have angel blood in your veins, you're still human and humans have needs. I could never fault you for that. As for Alec, he seems happier to have another parental figure in his life don't you agree? He loves you and I personally love the help. Plus who else will change messy diapers because I just got my nails done before coming home so..." She laughs a little bit. "Thank you, Magnus. I really needed to hear that." She wipes her eyes as he gives an appreciative kiss to her hair. She looks at Alec, who's had no idea what happened near him. She smiles at his carefree attitude right now and just watches him. He looks up at her and sees that she was crying and gasps. He rushes over to Lydia and hugs her. "No cry mama! It's okay! No need be sad!" She smiles at him trying to comfort her, trying not to laugh as he clumsily rubs her back. "I'm alright bunny. I promise. Mama was a bit sad but Papa made it better." Alec kisses her cheek and hugs her for a few more seconds before hugging his papa. Magnus smiles and looks at Lydia. He mouths to her 'I think we did pretty well with him.' She nods in agreement, all previous negative feelings melting away and being replaced with love.

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