Babysitting Jace and Alec's Tantrum

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There's a knock at the front door. Lydia and Alec are working on a few reports so Magnus gets up to answer the door. He sees Simon holding a sleeping Jace in his arms. Magnus notices that Jace is aged down given the pacifier in his mouth and diaper peaking from his jeans. "Magnus I'm so sorry I know this is last minute but Jace had an emergency abrupt slip and I have no one else to watch him. I need to take care of some stuff and everyone else is busy do you think that you can watch Jace for a bit? I'll make it up to you." "Of course! Hand him over." Magnus cradles Jace close. "I'll take care of him. Alexander is big right now and Lydia is here too so don't worry. Your baby is in the perfect hands. I mean you see how we are with Alexander." "Thank you Magnus! I owe you one!" "No need. I'll go put him in Alec's crib so he can nap." Simon puts Jace's diaper bag down and leaves after kissing his head. Magnus walks to the nursery, where he sees Lydia grabbing one of Alec's pacifiers. "He's grinding his teeth together aga- Aww Jace looks so cute." She smiles and lowers the crib bars. "Simon just dropped him off so I figured that he could finish his nap in here." "Perfect. I'll keep the baby monitor with me since I know that you have a potion to work on." Magnus nods and goes to work in his office.
Lydia returns to Alec with the pacifier and baby monitor. "I don't need it Lydia." "Just stick it in your mouth before I drag your ass to a dentist." "Fine. Why the monitor?" "Jace is here and he's napping so while Magnus works on a few things I'm keeping the monitor with me in case Jace wakes up crying." Alec nods in understanding, though he's not a fan of sharing his ma- Lydia. He shakes his head. 'Damnit no. You're an adult now finish your work first.' He thinks to himself as he returns to his reports.
An hour later, Lydia hears whimpering on the monitor. She immediately walks out of the room and into the nursery, leaving the monitor on her chair. "Hi sweetie. Oh I know it's scary waking up in a new place but it's okay. Auntie Lydia is right here, kitten. Come here." She pulls him into her arms and rocks him slowly. He calms down and starts to bring his thumb to his mouth. "Ah ah ah, you have your paci for a reason. There we go, there's a happy little boy huh?" Lydia places the pacifier in his mouth and bounces him on her hip, activating a strength rune as always beforehand. She takes him out of the nursery to make him a bottle like she does for Alec, going into auto pilot. Alec heard the entire thing and feels a pang of jealousy. He tries to shake it off and get back to work, knowing he needs to get things done.
Alec shifts in his seat and notices that he's pretty wet and has to go again, but both this time. He hates using a diaper once so reusing it is definitely something he hates especially messing it. He sighs and gets up to go get Lydia or Magnus to help him out, but what he sees makes him stop in his tracks. Lydia is feeding Jace the rest of his bottle and Magnus is rubbing his belly. Jace is snuggled into Lydia like how Alec does but seems to be snuggling even further, making her laugh. He finishes and clings to Lydia as Magnus pets his hair. Magnus smiles at the clingy little and raises an eyebrow at Lydia. "You having fun there?" "Pf course! You know I love this with Alec, why would Jace be any different?" She cradles him close, neither notice Alec walk back to his office. He sits at his desk and sighs. "Fuck it they're too busy to change me anyways. A little bit of extra time in this won't kill me." He adjusts himself again and feels himself going immediately. The back of his diaper is all warm and full while the front is fully wet once again, it started to dry before but not anymore. He groans and sits down, trying to ignore how disgusting it feels. He puts his head down on his desk and lets out a huge grunt in frustration. He hates that when he looks down, he's pantless since Lydia and Magnus decided it's easier to change him that way, he sees how full his diaper is. He sighs and keeps his head down. He wants to go get changed but they're busy with Jace and he hates seeing them spending so much time with another baby. He knows he's being ridiculous getting jealous of his parabatai, but he can't help it. He doesn't hear Lydia come into his office.
"Alec, honey? You alri-" She smells it instantly and sighs. "Need help with that?" He doesn't say a word, in the process of messing it a little more and peeing at the same time. He never says anything while he goes out of embarrassment. Lydia gets closer to him and pets his hair. "Hey it's alright, Alec." "M-mama..." He feels himself slip and decides not to fight it. Lydia realizes immediately. "Oh bunny." She lifts him into her arms, noticing how full his diaper is by the fact that it leaks on her as she holds him. He starts to cry and Lydia tries to calm him. Magnus comes into the room and feels his heart break at the scene before him.
"Magnus can you grab his diaper stuff and a clean shirt for myself?" Magnus nods and rushes to get what she asked for. She places Alec on the changing mat that keep in his office, taking off her shirt once he's down. She's careful about not letting what leaked from the diaper onto her shirt go anywhere else and takes the diaper supplies from Magnus. "Go keep an eye on Jace while I clean him up, alright?" Magnus nods and leaves to go check on Jace. Lydia cleans and changes Alec as quickly as she can and applies rash cream before closing his diaper. She had to remove his shirt too so he's lying there in only a diaper and has a pacifier in his mouth. Lydia puts the shirt that Magnus brought her on and takes Alec to the nursery. She puts him in a comfortable onesie before taking him to the living room, placing him on the floor beside Jace. Magnus kisses his head and Jace hugs him. "Alexander, darling, why didn't you come and get us to help you?" "Busy..." "Who was busy?" He points at Magnus and Lydia. "Busy wif Jacey..." Lydia feels her heart break. "He felt that we didn't have enough time for him because of Jace. He got jealous." Magnus pulls Alec close to him. "Look at me my little turtle." Alec meets his eyes. "There he is. Listen to me. No matter what, you will always be our number one priority. We love you." Magnus kisses his nose and Lydia kisses his forehead. Alec smiles and cuddles into Magnus as Lydia tends to Jace, who needs his wet diaper changed. Lydia holds Jace in her arms and kisses Alec's head, showing him that she's there for both boys. Magnus trades with Lydia and shifts Jace onto his hip as he goes to get Alec a bottle, knowing he needs one around now anyways. Lydia keeps him in her lap, tickling him a little. Alec giggles and pokes Lydia's cheek, she puffs it out to make him laugh harder. Alec sees Magnus walk in with Jace cuddled against his hip and pouts. 'Dats my papa! No Jacey!' He thinks to himself. Magnus gives Lydia the bottle, sitting on the couch with Jace starting to nod off in his arms. Alec won't let Lydia put it in his mouth. "Bunny you need to let mama feed you." "No!" "What?" "No!" "Sweetie don't fight me on thi-" "NO!" He hits Lydia's hand, causing her to drop the bottle and yelp a bit because he hit her surprisingly hard, and pouts at her. Magnus and Lydia share an expression of shock, Alec has never raised his voice as a little let alone hit. Lydia makes him look at her. "Alexander Gideon Lightwood we do NOT hit! Is that clear?" He just pouts at her and starts to squirm. "You know what?!" She stands with him and makes him sit in the corner on the far end of the living room. She places pillows around him so if he gets up, he'll struggle. He grunts at her and whines. "No you're sitting here for the next three minutes, understand?" He throws one of the pillows at her and she groans. Magnus had kept Jace from seeing anything, not wanting him to start acting out. "Lydia you take Jace. I'll see if I can talk to Alec." She nods and takes Jace in her arms, wincing when she uses her right hand. Jace gives her hand little kisses. "No huwt Antie Lyia." "Thank you kitten." She holds him closely in her lap. Magnus approaches Alec and crouches to his level. "What has gotten into you?" "No." "Words Alexander." "No!" "Alexan-" "No!" He threw a pillow at Magnus and sticks his tongue out at him. "Dumb mama! Dumb papa! Dumb Jacey!" Jace starts to cry and Magnus has had enough. He makes Alec stand up and gives him one swat on his diapered butt. It's not hard but it's enough to scare Alec. "Now you sit there for three minutes! Then you will apologize to myself, mama, and Jace." Alec cries a bit. Magnus sits beside Lydia and Jace, who stopped crying pretty fast. "Again. A natural." "Not sure how. Never really been around kids before. Jace is content for now." "I'm glad. Want a blanket? He looks a bit cold in his onesie." "Please."
Jace ended up falling asleep on Lydia wrapped in a blanket. Alec's three minutes were up and he sniffs as Magnus touches his head. "Ready to apologize?" Alec nods. "I sowwy papa... You no dumb... an I no more thwow tings..." "Thank you. Now I think mama needs it the most. You hurt her hand really bad and really made her sad. She almost cried." Lydia's eyes widened, she didn't know that Magnus noticed that. Alec crawls over to Lydia and she sees the tears in his eyes as he gets into the couch next to her. "Mama I vewy sowwy... You bes mama... Han hurt?" "Still a little bit honey." He gives her hand a kiss, it actually looks a little swollen around the wrist when Alec hit it and forced it to bend the wrong way. She smiles. "Thank you, bunny. I hope you understand why you were in trouble." "Cuz I bad boy..." "No you're a good boy you just did a bad thing. Nothing more. And I still love you." "I do too, little turtle." Magnus sits beside Alec. Alec nods. "Wuv you too..." Jace wakes up and looks at Alec, waiting for him to say something else mean. "I sowwy Jacey..." "Is 'kay Awec..." Jace hugs him and Lydia smiles at them. "Snacks?" Both boys nod and Magnus summons up some cookies. The Littles snack on the cookies.
Hopefully throughout their day together, there won't be anymore tantrums.

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