Institute Incident

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Alec has been keeping a steady pace of being little at home and doing his work that he's not overwhelmed. It's been over two weeks since his period of baby regression and being little out in public when probably the worst thing that could have happened to him did while at the Institute.
Alec was sorting through some reports that were nearly finished when someone knocks at the door. "Come in." Ran enters the room and looks at Alec. "I would like to discuss my most recent mission with you." "Alright have a seat, I'm nearly done with this report and then I will be free to discuss what you need." Raj nods and sits down on a chair near Alec's desk. He notices something weird by one of the cushions on the couch in the office and grabs it. He examines the bright green pacifier that he picked up and looks up at Alec, but is stopped by seeing his leader with part of his thumb in his mouth before he can say anything. Alec takes his finger out of his mouth and pushes the report to the side.
"Alright now you have my undivided- what is that?" Alec tries not to be obvious that it's his or how he feels about Raj holding his first and favorite pacifier that he thought he lost. "I would like to ask you the same thing. Why is this in here, Alec?" "Hell if I know." "Really? Then why does it have a bow and arrow on it and you had your thumb in your mouth?" He approaches Alec's desk with an eyebrow raised. Alec tries not to seem nervous and succeeds so far. "I don't know Raj and as for my thumb in my mouth, I bite my nails as a nervous tick. Is it wrong to have a bad habit like biting your nails?" "Well-" "Then I see no issue." Alec stands, forgetting that his protection is slightly noticeable if you're not used to seeing it. "If you will excuse me then." "Alec what the fuck are you wearing?!" "What?" He then remembers that he decided to be diapered today, he knew he was going to be busy and wanted to age down the moment he got home. He tries to hide his mortification but fails.
"By the angel, my Institute is being run by a fucking baby! Wait until the others find out about this your credibility is going to go to shit so fast your head will spin! Maybe next time you won't reduce me to grunt work for a damn week!" Alec begins to hyperventilate, unable to calm his panic. Lydia knocks on the door and enters. "Pardon any intrusion but I need to ask you so- Raj what's going on?" She sees Alec's hand in his hair and him breathing erratically. She comes in and closes the door, locking it behind her. "Are you going to comfort this fucking baby or something?" "Alec you need to calm down before you have a pa- Did you just call him a baby?" Lydia gets closer to Alec and rests a hand on his shoulder, forcing him to sit down. She tries not to react to how hard he flinched when she touched him.
"Alright just breathe Alec it's alright. Raj what are you talking about?" "Oh you'll love this! I found this weird little thing here in his office," he shows her the pacifier. "He had his thumb in his mouth and I'm pretty sure he's wearing a fucking diaper. Our so called 'respective leader' is some baby freak!" Lydia doesn't know how to respond. Her attention returns to Alec though when he starts trembling under her hand and his breathing gets worse. "Hey Alec it's okay. Breathe with me alright? In and out that's it." She gets him to focus on his breathing and rubs circles soothingly into his back. Raj looks at her strangely. "Did you know? Why aren't you freaked out?!" "Trust me I am a little freaked and also confused, but I think Alec calming down and explaining is better than him having a full blown panic attack."
Just then a portal appears in Alec's office, with Magnus stepping through and Jace, Izzy, and Clary trailing behind him. Magnus closes the portal and rushes to Alec and Lydia.
"What happened?" "Raj was yelling at him or something and he started having a panic attack." "It's probably that fucking warlock who did this to him! Turning the Head of the Institute into some freak baby thing!" Magnus is livid and so are the three shadowhunters that came in with him. Lydia continues to try and calm Alec down, still not understanding but not judging as well. Clary and Izzy go over to Alec's side to help Lydia calm him down as Jace and Magnus approach Raj.
"What did you just say?" Magnus lets his glamour drop and stares at Raj with his golden cat eyes, anger very obvious in them. Raj flinches back and Jace steps forward. "Why are you such a prick?" You can practically see the venom dropping from his words. Magnus takes the pacifier from Raj's hand and sticks it into his pocket. He looks Raj dead in the eye and takes a few steps forward.
"Is that any way to treat a person? Does this hurt you or anyone around you?" "W-well no-" "Then tell me, why is this such an issue to you?" The calm yet livid tone in Magnus's voice causes Raj to back into a wall, eyes blown wide in fear. Even the shadowhunters on Magnus's side are afraid of him right now.
Lydia has Alec's face in her chest, she's crouched a bit so his head is at a lower level and nearly at his knees. She continues to rub his back a bit, determined to help him calm down above everything else. Alec was a friend to her and, though she doesn't understand what's going on or why he's doing these things, she puts his mental and physical health above all else at the moment. Izzy and Clary looking at her gratefully as Alec's breathing settles and he's no longer shaking. Something appears beside her head, Magnus put Alec's pacifier there, and she slips it between his lips. He was chewing on his inner cheeks so this is much better. He wraps his arms around Lydia and she can feel the tears fall from his eyes and onto her clothing. She instantly wants to shove her seraph blade through Raj herself, suddenly feeling a strong sense of protectiveness over Alec that she cannot understand. Izzy sees it in Lydia's eyes and smiles at her, silently promising to explain later.
Magnus forced Raj out of the room with the threat of ending his life if he repeated anything imbedded in his brain. Jace and the warlock approach the ladies and Alec at the desk slowly, not wanting to startle him. Lydia looks at Magnus. "I apologize for not getting here sooner, I didn't know that Raj was being hostile towards Alec..." She looks guilty and furious. Magnus smiles and lays a hand on her shoulder. "Do not apologize. Thank you for being here for him. Now," he sits on the desk beside her. "I'm sure you have questions and, given that I recognize that look in your eyes, I'm assuming that you would like a role in this." Lydia nods hesitantly, unsure how Alec would feel about her taking part. "If he is alright with it, I would if I'm honest. I just feel like... I need to protect him from anything and everything... I would protect him from air if I could..." Everyone else in the room smiles at what she says, glad to have someone feel like that over him. Alec looks up at Lydia and her heart melts, she thinks he looks adorable. She pushes his hair out of his eyes and gives him a sweet smile. "You okay?" He nods and pushes his pacifier against her cheek, almost like a kiss, to show gratitude.
Magnus smiles at how sweet his little boy is acting. "I think that means that he would like for you to partake in this." Lydia smiles wider and pets Alec's hair, nodding in agreement with Magnus. Alec hugs Lydia briefly before turning to Magnus. He extends his arms, silently asking for a hug. Magnus happily obliges and looks at him. "He appears to be about two or three but feeling very nonverbal so we might just go home now, he needs to nap anyways." "No." Everyone in the room laughs at Alec's sudden reply.
Once Alec and Magnus leave, Lydia turns to Izzy. The Lightwood nods and gestures for the Branwell to sit down as she explains everything.

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