Chapter 4

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The road home was silent and I could hear my heartbeat. The engine hummed softly and the fragrance of his car was like roses, must be a car freshener because I don't think he would keep actual roses in his car. Wait do flowers actually have a fragrance? I've never held one close to sniffing.

After what seemed like hours but was only thirty minutes we reached my house. I looked at it from Kyle's window and sighed I wish I had somewhere else to stay. I don't want to see him today, I'm not ready for the terror that awaits my presence, I'm scared!

"Ain't you getting down?" Kyle asked.

I looked at him and opened my mouth, I wanted to ask for help, for him to help me but no word seemed to escape my lips. I didn't know him, he wouldn't care, no one cares about me. I opened the car door without saying anything, jumped down and ran to the front door. I unlocked it and looked around the living room and said to myself;

"Hello hell."

Kyle POV

School is over and I can't be more thankful. I got out of the school halls with my bag hung on my right shoulder and my hand in my jean pockets. I looked ahead to the parking lot and saw my best buds Sawyer and

Caleb by my car. I hurriedly went to them and fist-bumped them.

"Hey dude," Caleb was the first to speak.

"What's up?"

Are we good to go? We're thinking of going home early because of the party tonight," Sawyer said.

"Oh that," I unlocked my car with the key and threw my bag pack to the backseat after which I locked it. "I can't go just yet, I need to give the business."

"Wow, who's the unlucky girl?" Sawyer asked with a smirk.

"Just some shag no big deal," I shrugged.

"Cool," Caleb says with a grin.

"Well then see ya," Caleb said excitedly and walked away with Sawyer to his car. I looked around the parking lot, it was starting to get empty. Students rushing into the school bus, bimbos who are fixing their dresses because they see me, geeks being geeks and talking about chemistry, so much chattering!

I walked back into the school halls and it was half empty. I started making my way to the janitor's closet to meet Diana. Yes, she's the shag.

Diana messaged me in class about how she wanted to get down. Although I don't know how she got my number, I've been stressed lately and needed to get laid besides she has a nice ass, I figured she would be good.

I opened the janitor's closet and immediately she saw me her face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"I thought you wouldn't come," she smiled while twisting a strand of her blond hair in between her fingers and eyeing me seductively.

"Let's just get this over with," I stated. I walked up to her to grab her face and pull her in for a deep sensual kiss. "Uhm," I moaned into her mouth, it came as such a relief for me.


"Hope you're on pills?" I asked looking at her. She nodded while trying to catch her breath. I started to make my way to the door "Wait!" and with that, I spun my head around looking at her, "Ain't you gonna lick me off?" she stated while batting her eyes seductively.

"You're not worth it" I replied coldly and walked out but not before hearing her let out a loud huff. The hall was empty now as I made my way to the parking lot.

I got out to the parking lot feeling relieved and calm and slowly started to make my way to my car. Suddenly I bumped into something or sorry someone.

"Watch where you going squirt!" I looked at the 'someone' and recognized her from the back of the school and cafeteria. She looked sad and scared of me though. She bowed her head immediately, "Sorry" she muttered. I eyed her from up to down till I finally spoke;

"What are you doing in school at this time"

"Uhmm... I-I don-don't hav-e a ri-de ho-ho-me," she stuttered.

"Oh really? Why don't you walk home then?"

"It's quite far".

I shrugged and put my hands into my pocket eyeing her while she felt uncomfortable looking at me, "I've run into you twice today looking helpless, is this how helpless you look every day?"

She looked up at me pale and I immediately regretted those words leaving my mouth. Even as she looked pale there was this beauty in her eyes I couldn't explain. I mean I've been with so many girls before but there's this spark in her eyes and this thing about her that makes me want to protect her fragile body. She's special, I thought to myself.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you," she said barely above a whisper. All I could do was shake my head in pity. Why does she look like this, doesn't she have friends, a mom? What's up with her?

"Would you like a ride?" Her head shot up hearing this.


"I won't repeat it." She looked like she was debating whether she should accept my help. She continued to look lost for some second till I got tired of waiting and snapped my fingers in her face.

"Are you in?" She took a deep breath and nodded in agreement, Strange girl. I started to make my way to the car and noticed she dragged her body behind me. I got to the car and looked back, she was still a stone throw away from me. Finally, she got here after what felt like ages.

"Are you always that slow?" She just stared at me unsure of what to say and I couldn't help but nod my head in disbelief. I unlocked the car and got in and started the engine waiting for her to get in but she just stood there confused. I rolled the glass down and looked at her, "Are you just gonna stand there?"

"Oh sorry."

She got in and shut the door.

The car was silent, we neither said a word. I would steal glances from her though without her knowing, I guess she's lost in thoughts again. We reached her house in her direction and came to a stop. I waited for her to alight but she just kept staring at the house from the car window and let out a sigh.

"Ain't you getting down?"

She spun her head and looked at me. Her face was pale and I noticed the goosebumps appearing on her arm. She opened her mouth like she wanted to say something but after a moment of thought, she closed it back. Weird I know. She opened the car door and got down and ran to the front porch.

"Not even a thank you," I said in disbelief and drove off.


I got home and threw the keys on the Island in the kitchen and headed to the fridge to grab a can of soda. Pssh! The can open with a fizz after which I gulped it.

"Hijo bienvenido," Eugenia greeted.

Eugenia is in her late forties and has been a maid here for as long as I remember. Ever since mom died father thought I needed a mother figure in the house and employed her to take care of me. I would never love her like I loved my mom but I love her just as much. She takes care of me as her son maybe because she doesn't have any children. I asked her why and she said her husband died from cancer and she has not dared to marry anyone since then hence no kids but she says she's happy she has me.

"Hola," I say while taking a gulp from my soda. Yes, I speak Spanish because I'm of Spanish descent. Mom is Spanish and had always taught me since I was young & said I needed to know my roots. I guess that's why dad chose Eugenia because she's Spanish too.

"Cómo era la escuela?"

"Same old," I shrugged and threw the empty can in the dustbin.

"Me voy a duchar," I said walking away.

"De acuerdo. Dinner will be on the dinning," Eugenia called from behind.

The picture above is of Diana played by Lourdes Leon.

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