Chapter 6

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The first half of the day included me sitting in class looking at the teacher with boredom in my eyes and hunger. I was seriously hungry that I couldn't wait for lunch.

Finally, the bell rang indicating lunchtime and Paige and I walked hurriedly to the cafeteria.

"We won't be eating alone today," Paige spoke up while we walked.

"Why?" I looked at her in confusion, what's happening now, whats Paige thinking now.

"Well I made a friend at Photography class today and he invited me to his table to meet his friends and I asked if you could come along too and he said its fine."

"Oh," I said. I don't really like the idea though. I would just be like a lost puppy on the table and would have nobody to talk to.

"Lilia I know you don't really talk to people but please do this for me, Aidan is really cool and cute." She winked at her last statement.

I looked at her unsure.

"Please Lilia," she whined, tugging at my arm.

"Fine I understand I'll follow you, it's just to eat, it won't change anything."

"Thank you so much," she squeaked.

We entered the cafeteria and placed our food on the tray and headed to Aidan's table. We got to the table and they were chattering lots, the table was located at the far end of the left corner of the room and had five people on it; three boys and two girls.

"Hey Aidan," Paige said waving to a blonde boy while grinning.

The table suddenly went quiet and I couldn't help but notice the stare they gave us especially me. It looked like a look of disgust and contempt. Honestly, I wasn't comfortable and Paige must have noticed the looks they gave us but chose to ignore it.

The boy who Paige called Aidan broke the silence and welcomed us.

"Hey guys! Come sit! I couldn't help but notice the fake smile he put on his face and the look he gave his friends like they should stop staring and welcome us.

Paige immediately squeezed herself between Aidan and a girl on the table while I just sat at the edge.

This is really weird for me because I have never and I repeat never eaten on a table with a group of people. Paige felt free with the group quicker than I had imagined and chuckled at jokes a guy named Joshua made. How do I know his name? Because it was mentioned.

"Doesn't your friend talk?" A girl named Iris asked Paige. I looked up from my food to the table hearing this. Paige in return just shrugged and kept on eating.

"Maybe she's shy," A random voice from the table said.

"Or dumb," Aidan added which made everyone at the table snicker including Paige but she stopped and looked at me apologetically.

I hated the fact that they talked about me like I wasn't there or I was void. I wanted to talk, I wanted to yell at Paige for putting me in this situation but what if I say something that makes me look like a fool and in turn makes them laugh more. I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth and looked at them with pure hatred. Paige looked sorry and I didn't want to ruin her chances with this Aidan guy but he is an asshole to me. I continued to eat and endured the bickering on the table when a shout was heard across the room.

"Ah! Are you fucking blind? Can't you see I stood here?!" a voice growls.

The voice turned out to be Kyle's. Apparently, a guy bumped into him and spilled food on him and trust me it ain't gonna end well for him.

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