Chapter 1

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"You did WHAT," Luke yelped at his father as they made their way through the hustle and bustle of Cheyenne's airport.

"I think I said it plainly enough or would you like me to speak slower," The old man growled.

Luke took his hat off and ran his fingers through his golden locks and then he let out a heavy sigh, "What I would like to know is why? Why would you hire a vet; a woman vet at that, when we have a vet right in town!"

Jim Tamblin, was none too pleased with his son as he grabbed his suitcase off the luggage carousel.

"Yeah, we've got a vet alright and we lost Sable and her foal because he wasn't around," Jim spouted.

Luke's eyes were burning into his old man, "That wasn't his fault he was on another call and they probably wouldn't have survived anyways."

"We'll never know now will we," Jim barked.

They exited the airport and Jim carefully eyed his son wondering why this was bothering him so much. Jim was never one to let things stew so he came right out and asked, "What is it Luke, the fact she is a woman, or that she's from New York or the fact that I didn't ask you first?"

Luke slammed the truck into gear and shot a sidelong glance at his father, "Yes," is all he said, then fell into a deep silence.

About half way back to the ranch in Rawlins, Luke finally spoke, "What are her qualifications?"

His old man's face lit up, "Excellent! Top three percent of her graduating class at Cornell. She's been in practice for five years."

Luke nodded and chuckled, "I get it now; one of your old cronies from Cornell begged you to give her a chance and out of loyalty you couldn't say no."

He knew how to push his father's buttons.

"Damn you, Luke! We've been talking about hiring on a full time vet for years and now that I've gone and done it you act like I've committed treason," His father sounded wounded.

Luke wasn't sure himself why he was so irate about this. He trusted his father's judgement implacably and knew he wouldn't hire anyone who wasn't top notch. It was the fact that she was a woman and he didn't want to be around any woman right now. He had let one lead him around like a love sick puppy dog and that would never happen again. And he would not let his men see him as a fool ever again.

After another long silence it was Luke who spoke again, "Well, tell me some more about her."

His father had no problem talking up his newest employee, " She beams with personality and she's got a way with animals that seems to have a calming effect on them. Damnedest thing I've ever seen."

"So did you hire a vet or a hypnotist or maybe she's a relaxation therapist," Luke chided.

His father fell silent.

"Has she done any large animals," Luke asked.

"That's the main reason I hired her that's her speciality. She is only in the office one day a week to do small animals." There were other reasons for that, but in this disagreeable mood Luke didn't need to know that now.

Luke nodded, "Ok, so it sounds like she's a great success so why come all the way out here to this desolate country when she can have the fast paced life style of New York?"

"She doesn't strike me as the partying fast paced lifestyle girl and she's in practice with her father and brother I think she wants to strike out on her own." To get away and to save herself.

Luke still wasn't happy, "Can't compete, huh," Luke said coyly.

"From what I've seen of Doctor Ellyn Crosby she can hold her own."

Luke surmised his father had been charmed by her. What had he said, she beamed with personality? Hopefully, he meant she was quite plain looking which would be a plus for him, no temptation. A beautiful, stunning woman had made a fool of him and it was all about her looks. That would not happen again.

When they finally arrived at the house his father grabbed his arm, "You've got to pick her up Wednesday at the airport."

Luke narrowed his gaze onto his father, "Me? Why me?"

"Well, she can't very well take a taxi out her now can she?"

"So, I'll send one of the hands in to get her," Luke retorted.

His father started towards the house muttering something about Luke being afraid, but Luke wasn't sure what he said.

"What," Luke called to his father.

"Send one of the hands after her I'm sure she won't mind."

Luke kicked the tire of the truck, "Why can't you pick her up," Luke asked

Jim shrugged, "Suppose I could, never mind I'll do it."

Luke thought quickly, what was his old man up to. Suddenly, he realized this would be his opportunity to scare her off and send her dainty little ass running back to New York.

"No, I'll be happy to pick her up," Luke said as he headed towards the barn. There was still work to be done, boss or not the whole day couldn't be taken off.

The Double R was a grand spread just on the other side of Rawlins. For years, cattle was the only thing they produced, but a few years back Jim got interested in horses and decided he would go into the horse breeding business. Jim was partial to the American Quarter Horse, they had always had them on the ranch, they were hard working reliable horses and Jim was bound and determined to produce the best around.

Many scoffed at them saying the ranch wouldn't succeed being split in its interests, but so far they proved them all wrong.

The horse they had lost was one of the best they had and her sister was due to foal any time, Jim was bound and determined not to lose her. Having a vet on site would eliminate that problem completely and from what he saw of Ellie she was not only caring, but she possessed a special skill that few had. He didn't really believe in Horse Whisperers, but she was damn close.

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