Chapter 5

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The next morning the sunrise was spectacular, Ellie was up early as usual enjoying a cup of coffee in the paddock with her favorite furry guy. She felt like she was on cloud nine, but she also knew she had to talk to Luke before things progressed any further.

Luke came wandering out to the paddock as soon as he saw her. He was feeling pretty good himself. He climbed over the fence giving Coal a scratch behind the ear before sitting next to Ellie. He looked into her eyes making her heart melt.

"Luke, we need to talk," Ellie said quietly.

Luke took off his hat and put his hands on his head as if he was in agony, "Four of the worse words in history," Luke exclaimed.

Ellie took his hands from his head, "it's not a bad thing this time, I just need to know if you want to pursue a relationship with me," she explained.

Luke relaxed, "Well, hell yeah I do. Ellie, I know this is quick, but I can't picture my life without you," he said as he brushed a loose strand of hair out of her face.

Then Ellie got a serious look on her face, "Come to dinner tonight, there is more I have to tell you before we go any further."

Luke took her hand and told her he knew about what had happened to her in the past. Ellie was not surprised that Jim had told his son about her, but she knew he only had the highlights and if they wanted a fresh start she had to be forthcoming with him.

"You don't know the whole story so please come to dinner and let me get it out so we can have a fresh start."

Luke agreed and gave her a quick peck on the cheek and mounted his horse riding out towards the herd. Ellie quickly yelled to him, "Luke, water, sunscreen and hat, don't forget," she said!

He winked at her and said, "Yes ma'am."

Ellie wandered up to the house to pick Bobbie's brain about Luke's favorite foods. Bobbie was grinning from ear to ear as she had been routing for the two of them since the day Ellie arrived. She gave Ellie an old and tattered cookbook that had belonged to Luke's mother. She marked all of his favorites with a red heart.

Bobbie took a deep breath, "Lizzie was my best friend and when she died a little of piece of my heart went with her. I think, no I know that she would be pleased that you are here," she wiped a tear from out of her eye.

"Now, Luke and his Dad are just alike they don't need fancy food, they would probably throw up if you tried to give them escargot, but a good stew will do the trick."

Ellie enjoyed talking with Bobbie; she was a very sweet woman and funny. She told some great stories about Luke, Ellie was intrigued by each and every story.

Their conversation was interrupted by a commotion outside, both quickly ran out the door to see the cowboy she had the run in with standing there with Jim and the county sheriff. Jim was red in the face, he was mad and there was no denying it.

Wrigley had called the police telling them that his horse was being held hostage by his former employer. He wanted to press charges and looked right at Ellie when he said to the sheriff that they use to hang horse thieves.

The sheriff had known Jim for years so he knew this guy was probably just looking for trouble. He turned to Ellie and introduced himself to her.

"Doc, can you give me your two cents here? Are you holding his horse from him," he asked?

"His horse came off the range limping badly and had a bad abscess, I've been treating him every day and while he's better he's not 100% yet."

The sheriff nodded and asked Jim if they could talk for a moment. He turned to Wrigley and told him to wait by the patrol car.

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