Chapter 10

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The following week Luke was being elusive; he had made up his mind he was going to propose to Ellie, but first he wanted to make sure Tammy didn't come back to town to mess up his plans.

Ellie didn't take much notice to Luke being gone until she overheard a couple of ranch hands talking. She heard them Tammy was back and it looked like Luke was running right back to her.

Ellie tried to remain calm when she heard them; she didn't think Luke would go back to Tammy after what she had put him through, but she just didn't know.

Ellie borrowed a truck and went into town and it didn't take long for her to find them. They were in the parking lot at the local diner and they were hugging each other.

Devastated, Ellie turned the truck around and sped towards the ranch. Tears were flowing and she was being far from logical. Had she been thinking clearly she might have thought it was just a hug, nothing more, but fear, anger and disappointment clouded any logical thought she might have.

Ellie said to herself, she should have known this was coming, happiness and love never lasted long in her world. She just thought that Luke was different and that they had the real thing.

Jim saw her exit the truck and goes into her house; he could tell she was crying. Jim adored Ellie and if someone had hurt her, well whoever it was would have to answer to her.

Ellie didn't answer the door, but that wasn't going to hold Jim back. Jim walked right in, Ellie was in the kitchen and she was trying not to let Jim see her face.

"Ellie, Ellie, what's the matter," he asked.

Jim reached out to her and turned her towards him, "Honey, what is it," he said as he drew her close. It took her a couple of minutes to get the words out. She finally muttered, "Tammy".

Jim was puzzled, "What about her, honey," he said gently.

"She's back, she's in town," she cried.

Jim scoffed at her, "So what, she's no threat to you, Luke won't have anything to do with her if that's what you are worried about," he said.

"Don't bet money on that, he's seem pretty happy to have her back as they were embracing in the diner parking lot".

Jim looked shocked, he knew his son had been in town a lot this week buying a diamond ring and setting up the proposal he wanted it to be special.

She was falling apart in his arms and he had to do something to reassure her.

"Honey, if an old boyfriend of yours came into town and you had parted on good terms would it be safe to say that you might hug that person," Jim asked.

Ellie wiped her eyes and grabbed a tissue.

"Well, sure if we parted on good terms, but according to everyone around here Luke and Tammy didn't".

"That's not my point, honey. My point is if you love Luke and I know you do, give him the benefit of the doubt".

Just then Jim heard Luke's truck pull into the yard; he was heading for Ellie's when Jim met him on the porch and told him to come with him. Luke protested and Jim simply guided him towards the house.

"Dad, what the hell are you doing? I want to see Ellie,"

"No you don't, at least not right now. You going to tell me about that vixen being back in town," he asked as they sat down at the kitchen table.

Luke's head shot up he was in total shock that he father knew. Luke had hoped to keep that information a secret. In a flash it hit Luke, if his father knew than Ellie might too.

Luke stared into his father's eyes and hesitantly asked the question, "Ellie"?

His father nodded and told Luke she was a mess after seeing him and Tammy hugging.

Luke swore a blue streak, "Dammit, I never wanted her to know".

Jim wasn't sure what Luke meant by that. He wondered if he didn't want her to know because he had taken up with her again.

"Why would you get involved with that harlot again"?

Luke stood up and headed to the back door, "Ah hell Dad, I am not involved with her AT ALL. I just wanted to make sure she wasn't planning on staying around here," he said as he opened the door.

"And," Jim asked.

Luke turned back towards his father, "And nothing, her aunt died and she was back for the funeral and she couldn't wait to get out of here. The hug was me saying I was sorry for her loss. Now, if you'll excuse me I've got to go talk to the future Mrs. Tamblin".

Luke headed to find Pete to borrow the karaoke machine he had. All his planning was out the window because he was going to proposal here and now.

Ellie's hurt had turned to anger, how dare he ruin what they had, she felt like slapping him upside his stupid head. It looked like she was about to get her wish because she looked outside to see Luke, Pete and some of the other hands in the back of truck. She watched with great puzzlement as Luke put a machine on the roof of the truck and then climbed up there himself.

She sees Luke with a microphone and he's adjusting the knobs on that machine. She notices Jim and Bobbie are now out in the driveway and other cow hands are starting to gather.

Luke cranks up the volume and Ellie recognizes the song immediately, as Queen's Another bites the Dust.

"Ellie Crosby, Doc, Tammy was my past and you are my future. This is for you". He sings the chorus to Another one bites the dust and the ranch hands are pretending to be his backup singers and dancers. They look like cats in a burlap sack. Ellie didn't come out right away, but her ugly mood was lifting and at that moment she knew she had jumped to the wrong conclusion.

"Come on out Doc, we can go all night," Luke said over the microphone. Then he started singing Amazed by Lonestar. Ellie came out on the porch she couldn't believe he was doing all this.

As he sang the last line, 'baby, I'm amazed by you,' he jumped from the roof of the truck and went up her porch stairs on bended knee he pulled out a ring box. Luke speaks in a whisper, "Honey, I know you saw me with Tammy, but I was just saying goodbye to her. There is only you, now and forever".

Then Luke spoke above a whisper and he said, "Ellie Crosby, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife".

Ellie put her hands up to her face, unable to speak she nodded in agreement and Luke placed the ring on her finger. Luke got very serious as he hugged her; he whispered to her, "We've got a problem". Ellie looked shock and then Luke teased her, "The guys want to perform at the wedding". Ellie laughed and said they would give them the wrong address to the reception.

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