Chapter 3

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Luke trotted up alongside his father's horse, Ranger. Jim nodded to Luke, "The herd looks good, Luke."

"Yep, it does. So, you gonna tell me," Luke asked.

"Tell you what," Jim questioned.

"About Ellie, what the hell happened to her?"

Jim shrugged not wanting to disclose what he knew even to his own son. Ellie had been broken, but that shouldn't be held against her. Luke had already gotten off to a bad start with her and Jim didn't want his son to hold anything against her.

"Come on, Dad there is something wrong with her," Luke demanded.

"Why don't you ask her," Jim countered.

"Cause I'm asking you! Yesterday, I gathered her in my arms and the fear I saw in her eyes is something that I never want to see again. Then last night when I talked to her, she said she was afraid of me. I know I was an Ass, but you know I would never hurt a woman."

Jim took a long look over the herd and the landscape then looked at Luke, but didn't speak.

"Hell, Dad was she raped? Is that why she moved out here?"

Jim took a ragged breath and patted his son's shoulder, "She wasn't raped, but almost as bad."

"What in God's name happened?"

"She was beat, severely and what is truly bad is who did it."

"Who," Luke glared at his father. He was imagining all sorts of things.

"It was her brother, Phillip," Jim said in disgust.

"So, what did she come out here after the trial? He is in jail, isn't he?"

Jim shook his head.

"Aw shit, don't tell me she didn't press charges," Luke spouted.

"No, she did and there was a trial, but he was acquitted mainly because her father gave him an alibi."

Luke swore up a blue streak as he listened to his father. He couldn't believe anyone could lay a hand on someone so sweet and beautiful. Any animosity he had felt against her had disappeared and he desperately wanted to protect her.

"So, he chose his son over his daughter, sounds like a great guy," He said with loaded sarcasm.

"I guess his story was that because Ellie had been beaten so badly and because Phillip was the last person she saw, that's why she blamed him. He thought she was just confused.

Luke shook his head, "She must have felt so betrayed."

Jim nodded in agreement and spoke softly, "Phillip is a huge guy probably 6'4" and about 280 lbs., so she's got a fear of large men."

Now it all made sense to Luke and he wanted to kick his own ass for the way he behaved. Jim and Luke rode away from each other to get the herd moving. Luke was deep in his thoughts, he couldn't fathom how a brother would do that to his own sister and why the father provided him with an alibi.

Luke's blood boiled at the thought of what she must have gone through and he hoped her brother never showed up because he would rip him to shreds. Luke still had questions so he turned his horse around and went to find his father. Jim was just inside the tree line getting a calf back to the herd. Jim was in his glory when he was riding and herding cattle.

Luke rode up to him, "Dad, why did he do it?"

Jim paused for a minute, looking aimlessly across the herd, then he took a ragged breath.

"I think it was jealousy. He's about four years older than Ellie and he was established in practice with his father and along comes Ellie, a better vet, a better person. See Luke, clients started requesting Ellie and Phillip was enraged."

Luke took off his hat and ran his fingers through his hair, "How do we help her, Dad?"

"I think she wants and needs, normal. Have you seen her eyes light up when that little colt comes over to see her? I think time will heal her and being around animals without that fear she had in New York, that's the key. I have an idea too, invite her for dinner tonight."

Luke waited for him to tell what the idea was, but Jim simply rode off.

Moving the herd went very well although it had been a long day. As Luke rode back towards the barn he noticed two things one was the moving van was there and the other thing was one of the ranch hands in seemed to be in a heated discussion with Ellie.

Luke trotted over there and quickly dismounted. The cowboy had only been at the ranch about 3 weeks, his name was Brad Wrigley. Luke smoothly placed his body between Wrigley and Ellie. He told himself to stay calm and collected. Luke took a quick look at Wrigley's horse that was holding his foot up.

"Your horse ok, Wrigley?"

Ellie spoke right up, "His horse is lame and he doesn't want me to examine him," Ellie didn't hide the fact she was mad and disgusted.

"I told you, this is my horse and I'll take care of him."

Luke knew this cowhand was the type who didn't want to be told what to do but he had news for him, that wasn't how things worked on his ranch.

"Wrigley put your horse in the barn so Ellie can look. We hired a vet, for this very reason."

"It's my horse, you don't call the shots, lady."

Luke put his hand up, "Yes, she does and as long as you're on my ranch you'll follow my rules."

With that Wrigley became enraged, "I don't need this job or this load of crap so pay me my wages and I'll be on my way."

"Gladly, but the horse stays here until he's cleared by the doc."

"You can't keep my horse, that's illegal."

Luke folded his arms, "Let's see what the game warden has to say about that."

Begrudingly, he took his horse into the barn and when he came out he told Luke consider this his two-week notice or whenever his horse was released would be his last day.

Luke turned to Ellie, "Doc, you ok?"

Ellie smiled at him, "Just annoyed that he wasn't going to do a thing with that horse."

"Don't blame you, now the moving van got a day early, we'll get it unloaded after dinner for you."

"Oh, ok thanks," Ellie said.

"By the way, Dad wants you at the house for dinner, he's got a surprise.

Ellie gave Luke a curious look and he just shrugged, "Don't ask me I haven't got a clue. Dinner is at 5:30, we eat early here."

"See you then," Ellie replied.

Ellie didn't let on how frightened she was when that cowboy was towering over her and yelling, but she was thrilled to see Luke show up when he did. Ellie was trying to get over her fears and the fact she didn't run was a big step.

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