Chapter 9

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Ellie was thrilled with her truck purchase, she ordered the truck in bright blue a color she always wanted, but her father always told her it was too flashy for a work truck. This was hers and hers alone so she was going to get what she wanted.

She was excited to go over to the Van Duesen place because she hadn't really been off the ranch other than to go into town. Sallyann seemed like someone she could be friends with. She figured she needed a girlfriend or two something she never really had before mainly due to the fact that she worked all the time. Before that she was always studying.

She did have one friend, Gina but something had happened and Gina simply broke off all contact with her. She begged her to tell her what was wrong, but Gina never responded. That bothered her tremendously, however that was in the past and nothing could be done about it now.

Luke was right on schedule when he picked her up to go over Newt's place. When they pulled up the first thing they saw was Newt bent over with laughter. Luke told Ellie that there was no doubt in his mind that Newt had pulled something on one of his workers.

Sallyann greeted them while rolling her eyes at her husband. Newt was still laughing when he shook Luke's hand and Luke said, "Ok, what's so funny"?

Newt showed him the fishing line in his hand and it was attached to a five dollar bill just outside the barn, apparently he had a ranch hand trying to pick it up for the last five minutes.

Sallyann said, "You would think they would learn by now, but he gets them every time."

Newt pulled Sallyann close and gave her a kiss, "I am the master, honey," he quipped. Sallyann laughed, "You're the master alright, we just don't know of what yet.

Ellie went to have a look at Morty, at first he appeared to be just fine, but he stumbled once then was limping after that. Ellie couldn't find any visible wounds and Newt said he didn't know of any falls or accidents he had suffered.

Ellie left the horse and looked around the property; she even climbed up on the fence to get a better look. Both Luke and Newt were puzzled as to what she was doing. Newt poked at Luke to ask her what she was looking for.

"Huh, Doc what are you doing," Luke asked?

"Newt, do you ride Morty over that way,"?

"Sure, all the time, that leads into one of my pastures".

Ellie nodded and started moving back towards Morty, "Those are thorn apple trees over there aren't they"?

Newt nodded and watched as Ellie slowly moved her hands up and down the sore leg. Morty had thick hair so this was truly like looking for a needle in a haystack or in this case a thorn.

Ellie instructed both Luke and Newt to come help. She had them use twitches to keep Morty calm. Within minutes Ellie started to squeeze one spot on his leg, and something black started to emerge. Morty was a trooper as Ellie continued to pull out a 2 ½ inch thorn that had been so deeply embedded it was invisible to the naked eye. Ellie wouldn't have been able to diagnosis this if she hadn't seen it on another horse. The crux of the problem was it was intermittent; when it wasn't moving he was fine, but then we it moved it caused him significant pain.

Once it was out, Morty was so relieved he went on a full run in the paddock; he kicked up his heels and had a great time. Then as if on cue, he trotted over to Ellie and nuzzled her. Ellie gave him a hug and thanked him for being such a good patient.

Newt and Luke both seemed astonished by what they had just witnessed. Ellie explained to them why she arrived at the conclusion she did. They went into the house where Sallyann had lunch ready.

As they made small talk they started to eat, but Newt couldn't take it any longer, he forcibly set his coffee cup down and pointed at Luke, "Damn you Luke you can't keep her to yourself," he sputtered.

Ellie wasn't sure what he meant, but Luke seemed to know. "Well, Newt old boy, she's our vet, got her under contract too," Luke quickly winked at Ellie so she didn't get her dander up about that comment.

Newt looked to Ellie, "Ellie, we need a vet, not some vet that doesn't have an ounce of common sense, hell we need you".

Luke felt like stirring up a little trouble, "Sorry she's exclusive".

"Ah hell, Luke you never did share your toys well."

Daggers shot from Ellie's eyes as she yelled, "EXCUSE ME"!

For the very first time every Luke saw his friend Newt turn a crimson red the color of extreme embarrassment. Then he started to stumble over his words, "No, I didn't, I mean I meant, no I wasn't calling you one of Luke's toys".

The more he talked the worst it got and they were all trying to contain their laughter. Luke warned Newt, "Better be careful there Newt, she's got a temper".

Ellie put a stop to Newt's embarrassment by telling him that she saw no reason why they couldn't call her in case of an emergency. Luke added he didn't see any problem with that.

As they visited she learned they had two kids, Wendy who is seven years old and Wyatt who is six years old. Sallyann was an excellent seamstress and she also played the piano and organ at the Church in town.

Newt and Luke were the same age and had gone all through school together. Sallyann said Newt spent more time in the principal's office than the principle himself.

He teased Sallyann unmercifully, but she didn't seem to have any problems in handling him.

As they were driving home Luke asked her what she thought of Newt; Ellie busted out laughing explaining to Luke that she never witnessed someone trying so hard to get his feet out of his mouth. Luke laughed too telling her that he never seen Newt ever get embarrassed.

Luke turned a corner and couldn't believe his eyes, there walking into the pharmacy was Tammy. He didn't want to say anything to Ellie because it could be nothing, but he wondered why she was in town. When she abruptly left the town she said she was leaving for Hollywood to claim her star on the walk of fame.

Luke tried to hide the look of shock on his face; if Ellie did see it she didn't say a word.  

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