Ch. 18 - One More Light

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The city was silent. Well, almost. The crackle of embers popped and hissed as a light rain began to fall. The plinks of water on metal created a rhythmic backdrop to the destruction. Phan stared down at a small puddle forming at his feet. In the background he heard a smattering of voices. A few people laughed, some people cried. Most people were silent.

Phan looked around. The General stood, Lady Anna holding him up with his arm over her shoulders. Their armor was dented and scared from the battle.

Duke Robert was helping up wounded soldiers from the ground, and Baron Bradd sat on a pile of rubble, face in his hands. Joh and the Phoenix stood quietly apart from the others, quiet, their expressions somber.

And Chaz...

Phan looked around for his friend, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Chaz?" he asked, looking toward the others.

The General pressed his lips together in a grimace. Duke Robert and Baron Bradd looked away, their faces hard. He glanced at Joh. The mage shook his head ever so slightly. The Phoenix moved to stand in front of Phan. The monk pointed to the night sky.

"He's right there," said the monk. "He is now one more light in the sky above. Always with us, always watching."

"It's not fair," snuffed Phan, a new rage boiling up from his stomach. He turned toward the prisoners being herded into groups to head south, what few had survived Chaz's incredible burst of light. "I want to see them choke on their lies, swallow up this pain, suffer all alone in their misery."

"That's not what Chaz would want," said Joh.

"I know," Phan said, the tears running freely. "I know."

The General limped over to stand beside Phan. He looked at Phan, his hard face softening. He looked years older than when they had first met, though it had been only a month since that battle along the Wall. No more was he simply an imposing leader. He was a friend, a father, a brother.

"Chaz lived his life the way he wanted. Don't dwell on his passing. Do what he did in life. Live, love, laugh. Because you've lost enough already."

The General put a hand on Phan's shoulder, squeezed it once, then limped past. He did the same to each of the others, then slowly hobbled out the gates of Handhigh Holdfast to join the rest of the Shinodan survivors, heading south, heading home.

And so the General returned to his palace.

The Baron returned to his fortress.

The Duke returned to his city.

The Mage returned to his scrolls.

The Monk returned to his meditation.

And the Poet went with them all.

And Phan was thankful for them. He glanced skyward, felt the fresh rain falling on his face and took a last look at the new light in the night sky, then stepped out onto the road.

To whatever came next.

"Who cares if one more light goes out," he whispered. "Well, I do."

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