Ch. 8 - Iridescent

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Phan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. A refreshing breeze cooled his skin. The sun beat down on the trio of ships that sailed up the Iridescent River. The day was cloudless and warm and most of the soldiers were on deck with minimal armor, taking the opportunity to relax at least a little while they could.

The decision had been unanimous and the discussions short. After filling the Baron in on the events at the Wall and Daze's betrayal, Bradd had ordered the Earl of Blackbear to take over as regent of the Keep at Fort Delson. They had departed two days later, leaving behind a few injured soldiers, but acquiring a small contingent of Delsonian Pathfinders that accompanied the Baron. Combined with the men who had originally started with Phan and the General, along with - group of Robert's force, they now numbered a full thirty armed soldiers.

A shadow appeared over Phan's shoulder. He swiveled his head to see Duke Robert standing over him, watching the shore.

"Are you worried we are exposed?" Phan asked. He had grown accustomed to the leadership dropping titles when not in formal situations. It still felt a little strange, but Phan went along with it. What was he going to do, ignore a Duke?

"No, these lands are still part of the barony," Robert said. "We should be relatively safe until we reach Hahn's Cross."

"What's At Hahn's Cross?" asked Phan.

"Not what. Who," said the Duke. "A magician, if you can believe that. An old friend of Kenji's."

As if summoned by his name, the General appeared from his quarters. He wore no shirt or shoes, just his pants, his bare feet slapping the wooden deck rhythmically. He stopped in a free area of the deck, then began a beautiful and strange series of movements, as if he were fighting an invisible opponent in slow motion.

"It's called the Ninth Figure," Robert said. "It's a martial art. The name comes from the idea of the four classic martial combat figures; fist, foot, sword, and shield. Each of these is employed both alone and as a group. The Ninth Figure unites them, the mind, using tactics and strategy as a weapon as well as any sword or rifle."

Phan didn't reply, mesmerized by the General's weaving motions.

"The General is descended from the first fighting people who came to these shores from the Empire, the Issei. They came shepherding those who faced persecution in the Empire. The Issei protected them, gave them a chance at a peaceful life. Many have forgotten that, but Kenji takes it seriously," Robert said. "Very seriously."

"How did you meet the General?" Phan asked, suddenly curious.

"We grew up together," the Duke said. "Our fathers stood at the Council of Arkn together, nobles who sought to reunite the city states of the old kingdom again. Kenji and I spent years together, along with Baron Brand for a good part. We served together in the Legion, defending the Wall for almost a decade."

The Legion was a legendary unit. Phan had never faced them in the field, but some of the veteran mercenaries had and they'd only horror stories to recount. The Legion served as a united force from Bourdon, Port Shinoda, Fort Delson, and the defenders of the Wall. Some said they were the finest military force in the world, but they'd been disbanded after the last Council of Arkn descended into chaos. The fathers of both the Duke and the General had been killed in that council and had led to the dissolution of the few tenuous alliances in Arkn. Phan realized that was likely what had led the Empire to finally muster the drive to invade. Without the Council or Arkn, without the allied forces of the free cities of the old kingdom, no one stood a chance.

The ships shifted as the river curved, swinging around into a widening the river. Phan stood, feeling the ship speed up. He bent his knees to compensate for the movement. The ships were sailing by pole, with soldiers on each side of each craft dragging the ship upstream, against the current. Sails on the masts helped push the ships faster, with the stronger northerly wind helping them along.

"Take me down to the river bend. Take my down to the fighting end," said Duke Robert. He closed his eyes and looked up to the sky. "Wash the poison from off my skin. Show me how to be whole again."

"What's that?" asked Phan.

"An old poem, about the trials of war and healing," replied the Duke, as he continued the recitation. "Fly me up on a silver wing, past the dark where the silence rings. Warm me up in the nova's glow, then drop me down to the dream below. Legend has it the words are a map to the Glass Castle and unlimited treasure, if you can believe that."

The Duke patted Phan on the arm and said, "Get some rest. We'll be at Hahn's Cross soon. It may be a long time before we can relax like this."

He left Phan, how turned to watch the shore roll by, green trees and grass waving in the wind. Phan settled back down and lay against the gunwale of the ship. He closed his eyes, finding the poem familiar, as if he'd heard it before.

"Nothing else I need to be," he whispered absently to himself as he settled back into sleep.

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