Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

6th May 2012 (Two Years Earlier)

"I'm bringing sexy back..."

I laughed at my mum's attempt at singing. She wasn't good, just to put that out there.

"No mum, just no."

She giggled like she was a teenager all over again. That's what I liked about my mum. She was one of the closest things to a friend. She looked amazing for her age, no wrinkles or age marks. Her brown hair flowed down her back down to her waist. Her piercing blue eyes were always full of excitement. I guess that's why Dad fell in love with her all those years ago.

"What time does Dad want us to pick him up?"

She glanced at her watch. "Now. Oh look there he is!"

I looked to where she was pointing to see my overworked, underpaid father. He wore his office glasses and wore his black slick work suit. I reckon he had an important meeting today.

As Dad slipped in the car, he stared in adoration at his wife before shooting me a warm smile.

"So where have you two lovely ladies been?"

"Just coming back from Wal-Mart, Daddy"

I had always been a daddy's girl, ever since I was big enough to walk. Being an only child does that to you.

"Nothing I want to know about then"

"Nope. So where are we off to?" I said as I looked out of the window.

"Well, I have some work to do in the office so I think we should go home"

Of course. It's my birthday and my dad has totally forgotten and instead he has to work. I won't see him come out of the office until tomorrow morning, now.

"Oh, okay" I sulked against the window. It's not like your 14th birthday is important anyway...

We drove on for another 10 minutes before I realized.

"Mum, where are we going? This isn't the way home"

"Oh hunny" she laughed. "Do you really think we would forget about your birthday?"

We pulled up outside my favourite restaurant in town.

'Chanellies' I read the light up sign on the window.

"Oh my gosh! I love you so much!" I exclaimed, hugging each of my parents separately.

My dad held me at arms length and looked into my eyes. "Do you really think I would leave you on your birthday?"

I looked down at my feet guiltily, my cheeks tinging a faint pink.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" I slung the door open and jumped out, smoothing my skirt. I turned, waiting for my parents. As I did so, a loud smack made a painful ring travel through my ears. I stared at the spot to where the car once was. In its place was a truck, indented into the trunk of the car. The remains of the vehicle I exited were smashed into a nearby wall.

I felt my face grow pale as I saw blood dripping out of the door. Mum's hair was flowing out of the open window as the wind blew. Dad's glasses were cracked on the floor beside me with Mum's purse. That's when I knew my life would change. That's when I realized I was alone, an orphan. My parents were dead.

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