Chapter 11

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Present time

Emily's P.O.V

My whole life started to change at that point. It was when everything took a turn for the worse. The Jesse I knew and grew to love changed. I began to change. It wasn't a pretty sight.

60 metres to go.

Back to past

Emily's P.O.V

"Hey girls" I greeted my fellow cheerleaders.

"Hey" "Hi" "Sup bitch"

"Why is the new guy staring at you?"

I turned and saw that Mckenzie was correct. He was sitting there at his table, eyes locked into mine, neither of us breaking apart anytime soon.

"Earth to Emily" A hand waved in front of my face, breaking eye contact with him.

"What's his name?"

"River I think. Apparently he all already fucked half of the whores."

I mentally groaned. Great, another player to fight off. I always dreamed of being wanted like that but to be hit on every minute of every day is getting a bit boring now.

"Come on" Dawna spoke as the bell rung. "Lets go"

Jesse's P.O.V

That fucking prick! I saw how he was staring at her like a fresh piece of meat, like every girl was staring at him like. He needs to keep his hands off. Emily is mine. Always has been. Always will be. Mine and only mine.

River's P.O.V

That girl is hot! I don't even know her name but even just from the short conversation we shared earlier, I can tell she's not like the others. Many of the girls here are throwing themselves at me. I'm totally taking advantage of that. But it does get annoying when they have nothing to offer. No boobs. No experience. It's a bit petty.

But I know one thing: I will get her if its the last thing I do.

Emily's P.O.V

Finally, I thought as the final bell rung. I gathered my books and walked out the classroom, Mckenzie and the girls trailing behind. I've found that I was the kind of leader for them. I don't know why though.

I felt a hand squeeze my bum as I walk past a group of players. I groan and turn back to sort them out. Normally, I'd ignore or shout at them but I just want them off my case today. I walked up to the guy and full on made out with him. And can I just say, he is such a sloppy kisser! I don't know how the sluts put up with him. But now that I think about it, I'm turning into a slut. I mean, I'm making out with a random guy in front of his locker. I don't even know the guy!

I pull away and continue to exit the building, ignoring the wolf whistles behind me.

As I stalk out of the building, I'm met with two boys, both with my favourite flowers in their arms. Everyone around us are filming or taking photos with their phones, finding it cute. How cute can it be? I'm finding it bloody embarrassing if you ask me. And to make it even worse, they ask the same question I was dreading to hear, at the exact same time.

"Emily Sullivan, will you go out with me?"

Jesse's P.O.V

If I want to be with Emily, I'll have to prove her wrong. She thinks that I am a player and only want to sleep with girls. Okay... so that is what I want, but I want to pretend I'm not like that.

I even went out of my way to buy flowers. Little did I know that new boy player-wannabe would do the same thing! He's only been here, what, a day? And he's trying to take my spot in the school and my girl? Huh, I don't think so mate. So I did what any other guy would do. I let her pick.

Emily's P.O.V

I've been frozen for about 5 minutes now. Not a single move. What am I meant to say to them? There's two guys. Asking me out. If I say yes to one, I'll offend the other. Visa Versa. I've never been in this situation before.

And when did Jesse buy girls flowers? I thought he was a player that could get any girl falling at his feet. Maybe I was wrong about him.


What a stupid thing to say. I mentally face palmed myself.

"Will you go out with me Emily?" Jesse kindly repeated. Woah...hold up.... did I just say that Jesse was kind? Jesse Hart? Maybe the heat is getting to me.

"Erm.....okay then"

A cough from beside me got me startled. I turned to see River looking at me hopefully.

"Who are you saying yes to exactly?"

Oh yeah. I forgot about him.

"Erm...Jesse?" I didn't sound too sure about my decision but its too late to change my mind now.

"Sorry River it's just-"

"No" he cut me off. "Its okay"

After that he walked off, leaving me with an advancing Jesse.

What have I done? Have I just chosen the devil as my companion?

River's P.O.V

I'm done. She's the only reason I'm alive. I've always been that goth guy. The self harmer. But then I saw her. I knew that if I made her jealous then maybe she will realise she liked me. So I became a player instead. But it didn't last long with that Jesse around. I knew I had to act quick. but it wasn't quick enough. And now there's no point in being this fake River now. There's no point in life any more.

I ran round the back of the school and open my bag, removing the one thing that can help me escape this world. I cut. Once. Twice. Three times. The blade slits my skin, marking it forever. It become therapeutic. I continue. Four. Five. Six. Seven. I can see the vein closer to the surface, close enough to end my life. Eight. Nine. T-

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