Chapter 4

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Present time

The wind is still brushing past my face. It makes me feel free. Seconds feel like hours, even days. Here I am falling, only a second after my foot left the surface of safety, but it feels like I am stuck in a frozen time frame.

80 metres to go....

11th May 2014

Emily's POV

The first few days went really quickly. I had unpacked, made myself at home and discovered more about my new family.

Miranda works for the biggest law firm in America, meaning she gets a very good pay. She is a work-a-holic so she is hardly ever home, which probably means there are plenty of parties hosted by Jesse.

Jesse is star quarterback and captain of the football team. He is a straight-A student with most of the female population worshipping him...including me. But I had a one-up on the other girls. I live with him. Take that bitches!

The next week I had school again. I hadn't been to school for a couple of weeks and I have none of my equipment. Back at Oakwood, I was quite the bookworm and nerd. You know the type. The ones who sit at the front, their hands constantly shooting up to answer the questions, the teachers pet etc. Yeah, I was another one of those. But I have decided to change. I'll still be the nerd on the inside but I will change my looks. Mum always said that I was pretty naturally but try telling the teenagers at school that. But a new school means there can be a new me.

So I've gone to the mall. I've spent half of my savings, still leaving enough for my car deposit, on new clothes, makeup and accessories. I'm going to change for mum and dad. I'm going to change for me.

My first day back at school. I can barely keep my breakfast due to the butterflies that are freaking out in my belly with nervousness. Millions of 'What-If's are going through my head. What if they hate me? What if I make the wrong first impression? What if I chose the wrong people to hang around with?

'Calm down Emily. You're going to be fine.' I repeat in my head.

I take a deep breath in to calm myself as I look in the mirror at my reflection. I was wearing the coolest, but not too slutty, clothes I could find. My new pair of super-skinny black jeans were on my legs. Clinging to my good-sized breast and curves in all the right places, a revealing pink crop top was over the top of my black push-up bra. My hair was curled to perfection and I wore black wedges on my feet- they were the only thing I could walk in without falling over.

"Wow you look hot!"

I jumped as I turned around to see Jesse leaning against my door frame. How long was he standing there for?

"Don't worry, I wasn't watching you get dressed..much" As if reading my mind, he added in a whisper, but it was loud enough for me to hear without him noticing.

"It's too much isn't it?" I asked him, standing back in front of the long mirror.

"No, you look hot!"

"You think so?"

I didn't realise that he had been advancing until I felt his arms wrap around my waist and his breath on my neck.

"Oh, I know so!"

His touch made me shiver in lust. 'Control yourself. You might just end up how you look. A slut.'

He lightly kissed my neck and started to back away, releasing me from his hold. My body sighed in disappointment but I try I hide it.

"Come on babe, don't want to be late on your first day now do we?" With this, he exited my room and started to head to his car.

I gave myself a last once-over in the mirror.

'Watch out Woodbridge High. Emily Sullivan is coming to get you'

Jesse's P.O.V

When I saw her getting ready, the first thing I thought was 'Damn!' just like the first time I saw her. She had her hair curled but that didn't matter, it was her clothes that got me. Her jeans were so tight you could tell that she was wearing a thong instead of innocent girl panties. That was a turn on! The crop top she wore was just sitting right to make her boobs look hot, well, even hotter. She was hot. All-round hot.

This one's going to be fun!

"Wow you look hot!"

I don't know why I spoke, I was having so much fun just standing back watching, but when I did, she jumped and turned around to face me. I leant against her door frame. I could basically hear her ask the question.

"Don't worry, I wasn't watching you get dressed..much" I added knowing she would hear it.

"It's too much isn't it?" She asked me standing back in front of the long mirror.

"No, you look hot!"

"You think so?"

I started walking towards her. She didn't notice until she felt me hold her in my arms. I loved the feel but I always had the urge to ruin it.

"Oh, I know so!"

I felt her shiver underneath my touch, making me smirk. This might be easier than I thought.

I kissed her neck but ended early, making her let out a disappointed sigh, but then masking it, hoping I wouldn't see. Too late for that.

"Come on babe, don't want to be late on your first day now do we?" And then I walked out to the car.

I got stopped in the doorway by Mum. I sighed, knowing what question was coming next.

"How's she doing?"

How did I know she was going to say that? She asks me the same question every time. And she gets the same reply.

"Yeah she's good. Getting her to trust me is easy. Much easier than the others."

"Good, now don't be late for school"

She kissed my cheek and hopped into her car.

"Bye hunny" she called out of the window.

I gave her a half-hearted wave. It's not like I hate her, but she is a bitch. Simple as that.

"You ready?"

I turned to see Emily walking down the stairs in her heels.

"Ohhh yeah"

I slipped me arm around her waist and pulled her too me as we walked into the school. Girls glare at her in envy and guys stared at her with lust. I glared at the wimps...oops sorry, I mean 'guys', and winked at the girls, causing them to giggle.

Still the same Jesse Hart. Year after year.

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