Chapter 17

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Emily's P.O.V

I always told myself I would wait until I become a mother. Wait until I graduated. Wait until I am stable with a job and a nice husband/partner. But what have I done? I am fucking pregnant at the age of 16, and the baby's father is an abuser and a jerk. So much for my perfect life. I think about how upset and angry my parents would be if they were alive. But then again, if they were alive, I wouldn't be in this situation now. And everything goes back to being my fault in the first place. As it always does.

I decided to tell him. Jesse, I mean. I hoped it would be an easy 'I'm pregnant' but with the way my luck has gone for the past.... two years, it didn't turn out like that. I approached him when he came home from the bar. I thought it would be easier to talk to him when he is intoxicated. I needed to face my fears.


"What do you want" He spat at me.


"Spit it out you useless woman-"

"I'm pregnant!"

I shrunk lower in my seat as I had just raised my voice at him.

"You what?"

"I-I-I'm pregnant"

"Fucking hell!" He stood up and threw the small coffee table across the room. I flinched as it made contact with the wall, creating a hole in it's place. Then he came to me.

"It's all your fucking fault!" He grabbed my hair and yanked me up. Screaming, I tried to attack back but it was no use. With his free hand, he punched my cheek, then released my hair as I fell to the ground. My cheek still throbbing in pain, I attempted to get up again but he just pushed me down. Without warning, his foot collided forcefully with my stomach. I screamed in agony. What's he thinking? He's going to hurt the baby.

"Jesse dont, please-"

Another kick.

"-The baby-"

Another kick. He spat on my damaged body and stormed off upstairs.

I clutched my stomach as if my life depended on it, which it probably did. I thought everything was alright until I started feeling something wet in between my thighs.

I looked down to my lap to see a puddle of blood, staining my dress. In a panic, I knew what was happening. They do say: 'don't count your eggs until they hatch'. And it's true.

I had just found out and now it's gone. A life. My baby. Jesse just killed my baby.

Present Time

You're probably all wondering how I got to this moment. How I let everything build up. I would have been alright. But I let them get to me. Jesse and Mackenzie. I would've been fine. But my "best friend" betrayed me. She left me in the dust. And that wasn't the first time....

Back To Past (Three Weeks Before Present)

"Hi girlies" I smiled as I walked into form room.

"Hey Em"

As I sat down in my usual seat next to Kenzie, she stood up.

"Chao girls. Don't be late for practice."

With that, she walked out. The girls and I stared at each other in bewilderment.

"What just happened?" I asked them.

"I don't know"

"What have I done?"

Dawn shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know"

I sighed in annoyance. "I'll go find out myself then"

I left the girls chatting to each other like normal as I walked out the room and down the corridor. My heels clicked on the floor, making everyone aware of my presence.

I was about to walk past the janitor's closet when I heard Mackenzie's voice.

I opened the door to reveal a half naked girl, blocking the lucky guy on the other end.

"Emily! What are you doing?"

"I want to know what I have done."

"Nothing. I just needed this. Now if you don't mind..."

I scoffed but listened to her and removed myself from the sexual doing in the closet.

I was sitting on the bleachers at lunch when I saw her again. With someone close to me... but getting a bit too close to her for my liking.


He turned his head, his eyes wide, before turning back to Mackenzie. I saw her nod before walking off again. Okay...

"Hey babe. What you doing here?"

"Just thinking. What about you?"

"Got practice. I'll talk to you later"

He walked off, leaving me confused, until I realised that he was walking in the wrong direction.

Looks like I don't know them like I think I do....

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