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^ Taylor ^

I woke up from my nap because Dana was facetiming me. I almost let it keep ringing but I answered it anyways. It had been a few days since school started. She was calling on a Sunday which had me confused.

"Wassup?" I answered tiredly.

"I wake you up?" She asked. My eyes were still closed.

"Yeah.. Wassup?" I asked again.

"I need a friend right now. Sariah wasn't tryna listen to me and Keisha will hop right on me once she finds out I'm single-"

"What you mean you single?" I asked, clearing my voice.

"We broke up man. Sariah don't believe me! I'm going crazy and no one is listening to me like bro I'm stuck." She exclaimed while her voice cracked.

"You got a way to get to my crib?" I asked.

"I got a car." She stated.

"Ight I'm about to text you my address." I said.

"Thanks man." She hung up and I sent her my address. I got out of bed and looked in the mirror. My hair was crazy, I was in a sports bra and briefs.

I put my hair up and threw on a shirt and some basketball shorts. I put my slides on and checked the time. It was 4pm. I was in the middle of cleaning my living room when Sariah called me.

"Wassup?" I answered. She looked at me and shook her head.

"You was sleep?" She asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"I sent you a snap. Anyways, what you doing?"

"Just chilling. Waiting on Dana." I said.

"I still don't believe her and Mara. But you remember the party I invited you to?" I nodded. "Okay well the girls told me to ask if you want to stay for the slumber party."

I gave her a look and she laughed.

"It won't be the typical slumber party Tay. We'll probably have some edibles, a bunch of movies, and snacks. We're gonna sleep in my room. It'll be 7 of us so I get it if you say no." She explained.

"I'll think about it. I've been put through worse. I'll let you know by Wednesday." I said. I heard Dana knock on the door so I got up to go answer it.

"Okay. I'll text you later." She blew a kiss to the camera and hung up. I opened the door and Dana walked in.

"It's silent in here. Your parents gone or something?" She asked.

"I live here alone." I replied, walking to the couch.

"I'll ask later. But let me tell you this story." She sat next to me and took her shoes off so she could get comfortable.

^ Dana ^

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^ Dana ^

"Whenever you're ready."

"Alright so Mara and I been together since the 9th grade. 9th grade man! Anyways on Thursday when I was arguing with her, she told me she was bisexual all of a sudden. Over these 3 years she was telling me she was gay. Now she just realizing she bi. I was like 'Well what made you realize that?' And you know what this girl told me?! She told me she made out with this nigga at a party and they almost fucked."

"Awe nahhh she's sunt." I shook my head.

"Exactly. So I was heated over that. She kept trying to act like it was no big deal. She cheated on me with a dude! He ate her out and apparently that isn't actually cheating to her. I'm livid. Now she's trying to play the victim because I called her story bullshit. It's like I'm sad about us ending and her betraying me but I'm angry that she thinks it's okay.." She leaned back against the couch and sighed deeply.

"Drop that like a bad habit. I'm not telling you to move on. I know that's not easy. But drop her. Delete her number. Get rid of all ties with her. She hurt you and thinks it's no big deal. Girls like her are toxic. Demented." I explained. She burst out in tears and had me thinking I should give up the advice life.

"I needed that." She sobbed. Using my shoulder as a napkin. "All day people have been telling me we're not over or we're gonna get right back together. When the reality is I- I wasted 3 years on her and that's it."

She cried harder and I had to step out of my comfort zone, hugging her. She just kept crying. I had never been in a serious relationship so I didn't know how to handle this. I just rubbed her back and let her cry.


I walked out of my room around 10pm and seen that Dana was still asleep on the couch. I put a thin blanket on her and went into the kitchen to make me some food.

I made 2 chicken sandwiches and fries and made 2 plates. I put a plate for Dana in the microwave and took my plate along with a Gatorade to my room.

I put on Grey's Anatomy and started eating. Sariah facetimed me at the perfect time.

"Hey did you do the anatomy work?" We have different anatomy classes but the same teacher.

"Yeah." I replied.

"What are the occipital, peroneal, and tarsal regions?" She asked.

"Back of your head, back of your knee, and your ankle." I answered.

"You have a good memory. What you eating though?" She asked.

"I made a chicken sandwich and fries." I answered.

"None for me?"

"You can come over whenever and I'll cook." I offered.

"Your mom or dad won't care if I just pop up?" She asked.

"I live alone Riah. Pop up whenever. Just make sure I'm not at work cause I'm sure you wouldn't wanna stand outside my door until 12:20am." I said with a laugh.

"Wow I never had a friend with their own place before." She exclaimed.

"Now you do. Shouldn't you be getting your beauty sleep though?" I asked.

"It's 10:30 Tay who do I look like? Someone's 12 year old?"

"Kinda." I said with a laugh.

"Shut up.. I am 17 and I will be 18 in a few months. Chill on me."

"Hey Taylor!-" Sariah's friend yelled in the background. I could tell she was about to say something else but Sariah hung up quick as hell. I didn't even bother calling back.

I looked up when I heard a knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in!" I said, pausing my show.

Dana opened the door rubbing her eyes. My blanket was wrapped around her.

"What time is it? I don't have my phone." She said.

"10:30. You can stay if you want." I said.

"Yes please." She yawned.

"I made you a plate if you're hungry." I said. She walked up to my bed and fell onto the empty side.

"Breakfast." Was all she said before falling back to sleep. She deadass came in my room and went to sleep in my bed. I wasn't complaining because I had a big bed but really..

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