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^ Keisha ^

"I got the job!" Dana yelled at me as soon as I walked in the classroom.

"Ayee when is your first day?" I asked.

"Tonight I guess. 4 to 11." She said.

"I gotta work 3 to 1. He must've did that because you're 17. But that's cool we'll be at work together." I said, sitting down next to her. Keisha walked in and sat next to me.

I looked at her and winked, she smiled and shook her head. Dana raised her eyebrow but didn't ask any questions. We decided to keep our attraction on the down low so no one knew anything.

We went through the school day, barely talking to each other. Not even when she was with Dana. During my last class, I got a text from her.

Keisha- Can I leave with you?

Me- Yeah I gotta work at 3 though

Keisha- I don't need much time. I just wanna chill before you go to work

Me- Ight meet me by my car after the bell and don't tell nobody

Keisha- I won't

When the bell finally rang, I went out to my car and started it. Keisha walked out of the school, looking behind her back, then quickly walked over to my car and got inside.

I drove to my complex and parked in my spot. Keisha seemed kind of spaced out the whole ride so I finally asked her what was wrong.

"Oh nothing. Dana is just acting weird because of Mara and I don't know what to do. That's not our problem though. Let's go inside." She said.

"Say no more." We went inside and up to my apartment. It was 10:30am on the dot. I had plenty of time before work.

"This is nicee I didn't know you had it like this." Keisha stated, looking around.

"I'll be back." I said with a laugh. I went to my room and grabbed a shell and some gas. I went back out to the living room and sat next to her on the couch. She was on snapchat.

I rolled the blunt and lit it. Her ass was still on snapchat. I handed the blunt to her and got up to get a water.

"Here." Keisha said. I grabbed the blunt and ruined her video by blowing smoke in front of her. She mugged the fuck out of me. I just laughed and sat back down.

"Have you talked to Sariah?" I asked.

"Yeah. She likes you for some odd reason." She said.

"Prolly the same reason you like me." I said with a wink.

"I do not like you." She said.

"Awe fr?" I asked. She nodded with a straight face. I put the blunt out and took her phone, putting it on the table. I leaned in and kissed her. She sure didn't pull away. She climbed on top of my lap and put her arms around my neck.

I slid my hands underneath her shirt and gripped her slim waist. She grind against me while we made out, turning me on. I started kissing her neck and she let out little moans as I got aggressive. She took her shirt off revealing a see through bralette.

I got to licking on her nipples but we were interrupted by her phone ringing. It was Sariah calling on facetime.

"Tell me you not about to answer that.." I said as she got her shirt back on.

"She's gonna know something is up if I don't." She kissed me again and got off of me to answer the phone. "Hey Riah."

"Are you with Taylor?" She asked instead of saying hi back.

"Uh yeah I didn't wanna stay at school and couldn't go home so I'm with her." She replied.

"At her apartment?!" Sariah was obviously jealous and I liked it.

"Yes girl calm down. We just got done smoking. We watching TV." Keisha lied.

"I don't hear anything." Sariah replied. If she don't hang the fuck up..

"It's on mute because you called."

"Alright text me later. We can hang out when school is out." Keisha blew her a kiss and hung up. Then she took her shirt and bra off and got back on top of me. Bet she wouldn't be able to answer the phone for another hour or two.


I got out of the shower and threw on my work uniform. I put my hair back into a bun and grabbed everything I needed before I left. I was feeling so relaxed. Me and Keisha fucked up my whole bedroom. She's a real freak. I know for a fact she's going to be sore tomorrow morning.

I drove to work and got there right on time. I went to clock in and got into my groove for the night. Dana came in exactly at 4 and I was supposed to be training her.

"Happy first day." I said causing her to laugh.

"Thanks man. So what do I do?" She asked.

"You'll be on this machine right here. You just have to make sure all the boxes are taped shut completely. It's boring but it's worth the money. You can listen to music but you have to make sure you stay out of the important people's way and keep your eyes on the boxes. If it's not taped you have to grab it off the belt, tape it right and put it on the cart. That's really it. If there's a big problem you press the red button to stop the machine." I explained.

"Sounds easy enough. Thanks Taylor." She said.

"No problem." I said, walking back to my machine. I sat down and watched the boxes. It was kind of hypnotic especially after smoking so it was a good thing I didn't smoke right before work. At least I had someone to talk to now.

"So what's up with you and Keisha?" Dana asked out of nowhere after 20 minutes of silence.

"Huh?" I asked.

"I mean.. Y'all just got all friendly all of a sudden. And I seen her at your apartment on snapchat. I'm just curious." She explained.

"Ion see no point in dissing her no more. Might as well be friends with her. She still thinks I got a girl anyways." I explained. Even though she was riding my face like 3 hours ago.

"Awe okay. Now that I think about it, you two would be kinda cute together." She said.

"I gotta get to know her better then. Sariah likes me too though. I don't want to have them arguing."

"Sariah is crazy. She keeps it cool but when she's invested... man. She used to date my brother. He said she was jealous about everything, never trusted him, always started arguments, but she fucked good so he stayed with her for a year." I looked at her with disbelief.

"Let me just stay away from that." I can't deal with no crazy bitches.

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