New Meds

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   As you can tell from the title, I'm taking different meds lmao. 20mg of Paroxetine. I've been taking it for a little over a month now, and I've noticed no difference other than I feel like I'm way more emotional. It's supposed to help with OCD (I don't have a bad case btw. I just have a couple ritual-esk things I always have to do.), but mainly anxiety. Haven't seen my therapist in forever and I honestly need to make an appointment, but I feel like I've just been so tired. Anywho, I write these to hopefully spread some awareness and they also help me think of what to say to my doctor. ie I just realized typing this that I've been much more emotional. Plus she told me to try and journal things down anyway. I'm alright for now.

Anyway, comment or whatever if you have any questions and thank you to those 43 people who have looked at this (Lmao half of them are probably me rereading this entire thing and cringing). 

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