Chapter 10

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It was Tuesday morning Krissy's funeral. I dragged myself out of bed into the shower I turned the water on and I was so depressed and upset. I tried my hardest not to cry but It didn't work the tears fled from my eyes. When I was done washing my hair I hopped out of the shower and out on my black dress.

It was tight around the chest and puffy near the bottom. After my dress was on I curled my long blonde hair and put on a light amount of makeup I would cry it off anyways. When I was done I realized I still looked like a complete mess my eyes had bags under them and they were red and puffy. I went and laid on the couch I pulled out my phone and texted Brandon. "Come pick me up when your ready please" he never replied but he pulled up in the drive way 10 minutes later. When I slide into the car the look on Brandon's face was heart breaking he looked so upset. He knew Krissy was my entire world. The car ride was very quiet when we pulled into the parking lot of the funeral building we got out of the car and Brandon hugged me. "Are you ready for this Megan?" "Yes Brandon thank you" he grabbed my hand and a tear shed down my cheek. We walked into the building hand in hand.

When we walked in we sat down and listened to everybody talk and crying. My cousin said a few words about Krissy then called me up to say a few words. Everybody's heads turned towards me and I slowly stood up from my seat and started walking to the front. I could feel everyone's eyes piercing through me. I stood up at the front and began to talk.

"I wasn't really prepared to talk today so I'm apologizing in advance if I start crying in the middle of my speech." I took a deep breath and started speaking again "I basically raised Krissy after my mom died we didn't have much support from my dad so I took care of her. Krissy was the best thing that has ever happen to me and now she's gone for ever." I paused for a second then began talking again "I blame Krissy's death on me I should of been home with her but instead I was at the beach having fun while Krissy was in hell bleeding out. I should of been there to help her I should of saved her but I was to late." The tears started flooding down my cheeks " Krissy was my will for living I love her so much she was my entire world and I will never forget how precious she was. Krissy would light up every room she walked in. She was an amazing little girl and I would do anything to get her back. I just wish I was the one that died instead of her. I'm just excited to know that one day me a Krissy will be re-united and I will be able to see her beautiful smile once more. I know she's looking over me right now and she will always remain in my heart."

After I was done saying my speech I walked down to the casket Krissy's body was in and touched her face. She looked so beautiful and innocent. I gave her a kiss on the cheek then placed my head on her chest the tears started pouring down my face thinking about all of our memories.

Everybody stood up and started talking I ran out side to get some fresh air Brandon was running behind me. When I got outside I fell to the ground clenching my stomach trying to breath. Brandon lightly put his hand on my shoulder but I pushed it off. I wiped my tears away then stood up trying to ignore the fact my head was pounding and I felt like I was going to barf. "I'm going for a walk in the bush to clear my head ok Brandon" he looked at me and gave me a not so convincing smile, he wrapped his arms around me "okay just be careful I'll be right here when you et back ok Megan" he gave me a sloppy kiss on the cheek then started walking towards the building.

When he walked in I made my way through the bush walking around thinking about Krissy every thought made me even more sad. I was tying to hold in the tears but I couldn't anymore I screamed at the top of my lungs and the tears started pouring from my eyes. I was lost without her in my life. I tried to keep walking but my vision got to blurry from the tears so I collapsed to the ground. I was starting to calm down and was just staring at the ground when I firm hand grabbed my shoulder it had a tight grip.

I was so scared I jumped I slowly started turning my head around to see who it was and my jaw dropped when I saw who it was. I couldn't move I was so shocked.

"Jeez Megan don't let all these family deaths get to your head. Or have they already?" The man said with a bit of a chuckle at the end

"No it can't be! My father.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2014 ⏰

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