Boyd X Robo Cleaner

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welcome to anohter Boyd X Show segment!  i got sum Xciting news today, one of my fans, noticed my abhorrent (i liek that wrd, not sure what it maens tho) speling and whatnot, and sent me money for lesons!  I'm goin 1rd thing tomrowo!


Who likes cleaning?  Raise your hand if you like cleaning.

Go on, raise it*.

See?  No one likes cleaning!

That's why we invented the Robo-Cleaner from Lazier Boy!

It will clean everything for you**!

So stop by our store today, and enjoy a cleaning free life!

Also, you might as well pick up the Odor Eraser, also from Lazier Boy, it will erase those odors with the power of ultra-pneumonic lazer synapsis, which means its gotta be awesome because nobody knows what the hell that means!

So come on down to Lazier Boy, we will make it so you never have to move again!

*We will know, we are watching.

**Except ceilings, floors and whatever is in between.

I dont like cleaning, thats y i live on a bench.  I godda go studie so bye.  BOYD X

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