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Set Me Free - Charli XCX

When I was fourteen years old, I had nowhere to go. My father was a salesman who worked selling door to door. My mother had died when she was in labor with me. As you can tell by my father's profession, we weren't very wealthy. My father always put me first and always made sure I had enough to eat and drink. He was the most selfless man I know. He always put me before himself. Always.

So, I sat crying on the bench. I sobbed into my hands, covering my face. I didn't want to be put in foster care. I didn't want to be thrown in with someone who didn't want me. I had no other family. It was just us. My father had gotten into a car accident and hadn't survived. I was at school at the time.

Not only didn't I want to be out into the system but I also didn't want to live. I wanted my father back. I wanted a family. Something I didn't have.

"What are you doing here all alone?" I heard a cautious female voice ask. "It's very late out."

I sniffled, not wanting to look up. "I-I'm fine."

She sat next to me, placing a warm object over my shoulders. A jacket. She placed a comforting arm on my back rubbing it.

"Where are your parents?"

"Dead." I couldn't even recognize my own voice.

"Well where are you going to go? It's not safe for a young girl to be out here by herself."

"I have nowhere to go," I whispered.

"Come with me," she insisted. "I have a room for you back at his house. He'll have to let you stay. You can live with us."

"W-who's he?"

"...A friend." She pulled me up and walked me to her car. "What's your name?"

"Gabriella DeJesus," I answered, latching my teeth onto my bottom lip.

"Beautiful," she smiled. "I'm Edith."


And that was how I met my 'family', if you want to call it.

"Gabriella," Edith's voice cut me out of my train of thought. "Justin wants to see you."

I sighed, standing up and making my way down the hall to his 'lair' or whatever you wanna call it. I stopped right outside his door, knocking hesitantly as I sign to show him that I was there. He kept his back turned to me and I couldn't see his face. I hated when he did that.

"Sit," he commanded. I obeyed. It was something I wouldn't want to use the word 'trained' but it's something I learned to do. You never really wanted to frustrate or piss Justin off. He can be quite...unpleasant to be around when he's mad.

I cleared my throat, folding my arms on my lap. "Is there a reason you wanted to see me?"

"Well if it wasn't quite obvious." I could hear the annoyance in his voice. "I heard you actually had something that you wanted to talk with me about. What is it?"

I swallowed, nervously clamping my hands together. My throat felt dry as I tried to speak. My mouth opened but no words came out.

"Well?" He asked seemingly impatient.

"A-as you know, um, sir," I squeaked. "I just recently turned 18-"

"Two weeks ago," he finished.


"And?" He inquired, spinning around to look at me. He raised an eyebrow, running his tongue over his dry lips.

"I was wondering if you'd maybe give me the chance to leave. I wanna go, uh, sir."

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