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I frowned as I threw Justin's dirty clothes in the laundry. You'd think that someone so self-sufficient and twenty-one years of age would do their laundry themselves but since I'm basically his slave I'm forced to do it. I don't get what Justin wants from me. Honestly. All I do is cook and clean for him. Nothing more and nothing less except for the little things he may ask for me to do.

I sighed to myself, sitting on top of the washing machine. A lot of people found that weird but I don't. I did it kill time as I waited for the time to finish. As I played with my fingers I heard the sound of a rhythmic flow. I looked up, stunned slightly as to what we was doing down here.

"What are you doing?" He asked. He was dressed in normal clothes which meant he was off for the day. Plain white tee, beige khaki shorts. His hair was actually done and he had shaved down the sides. He looked good to say the least.

"I'm just waiting for the clothes to wash." I gave him a shy smile.

"So you're waiting for the clothes to wash and you're sitting on the moving washing machine?" He raised an eyebrow, an amused look gracing it's way across his face. His eyes skimmed down my body making me hug myself uncomfortably. "Are you getting off by that?"

"Excuse me?" I asked, shocked. "Do you really think that I would-"

"I could always buy you a vibrator you know." He crossed his arms over his chest, leaning against the frame. He seemed to be serious. "It creates the same effect but better."

My face flushed completely. "I don't think that's necessary, um, sir," I squeaked.

"Surely a teenage girl has hormones, right? How do you take care of your needs?" I felt extremely awkward as he questioned me. "Do you ever just press your back up against the shower, pinch your nipples and shove your fingers up your tight pussy? Moaning repeatedly and rub your clit?"

I gasped. "No, no, never."

He raised a thick eyebrow. "Don't you? I think I've heard you before." He paused. "Maybe more than once."

"I have never pleasured myself." Okay, maybe that was a lie but was I supposed to outright admit it?

"Hm," he hummed. "You may have everyone else fooled but I know you like the back of my hand. You're not as innocent as you put out to be. I don't approve of you touching my body. Your body is my body. Unless I give you permission you cannot touch yourself."

I almost snorted. Is he serious? How would he ever know.

"Only I can touch my body and if you want to, you have to ask. So go ahead, ask permission."

"I don't think I need permission to touch my own body." My lips fell into a frown.

"You take orders from me and whatever I says goes." I looked away from him. "Ask."

I felt belittled again. "May I touch my body?" I deadpanned.

"Ah, ah, ah." He waved a finger. "Not with that attitude."

"Forget it," I muttered. He was being ridiculous.

"No, tell me what you were going to say." He walked into the small room, grabbing my jaw so that I looked at him in the eye. My breathing picked up. "Say it."

"May I touch my body, sir," I emphasized fighting off the urge to fight back. I hated when he touched me like this. I couldn't fight back and not only was I under his verbal control but I was under his physical control as well.

"Only if you do something for me."

I almost grimaced. "What is it?"

As he stood in between my legs, he pulled me closer. I could feel a bulge in his pants against my lower area and that's when I started to panic. For some reason it felt like my vagina began reacting to feeling him down there. In a weird way that almost made me feel good.

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