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When I woke up the next morning my head was pounding. An audible groan left my lips, rubbing my head. I finally opened my eyes, feeling something heavy on my body. I looked down at Justin's heavy head on my chest, sleeping peacefully. Confusion filled my thoughts as I tried to remember last night. As I thought back, everything slapped me in the face. I was mortified, did I really let him do that to me? Most importantly, I was drunk. Would he really take advantage of me like that? Then again, at that point, I was in my right mind.

Feeling his hand brush against my lower area, I gasped under my breath making Justin stir.

Oh fuck, please don't wake up.

Justin's eyes remained closed, his breathing gentle. This was the most innocent and peaceful I had seen him, it was almost weird. I just didn't know how to get him off of me without waking him up. I slowly tried to lift up his arm and he made a noise making me freeze. The noise low, imitating a growl. The same growl I had heard last night.

I slowly placed his arm on his side, trying to move my body that was trapped under his. Even though his arm around me tightened, I slowly moved towards the edge of the bed but his body moving with me. Somehow, after a while I had managed to get him off of me. His head hit the soft bed and I immediately went searching for my clothes that were scattered all around the room. The only thing I was wearing was a bra which made me panic, not wanting him to see me like this if he woke up again.

I quickly found the dress, shoes and underwear before darting off to my room and shutting the door behind me gently. I had made a big mistake but I was under the influence and his control. I could say I didn't want it all I wanted but I knew that was a lie; I'd deny it if he asked. I wouldn't mind it happening again.

I glanced at my clock, my eyes bulging. It was one o'clock in the afternoon. I never slept in and most importantly Justin never slept in. Neither of us came down, wouldn't that make Edith suspicious? I quickly hopped in the shower, washing all of the impurities from my body before hopping out. Getting dressed, I made my way downstairs. Justin was seated at the kitchen table, newspaper in hand and Edith placing a sandwich on his plate. Could he seriously not make that himself?

My feet slowed down, feeling an awkward tension arise in me and my body heat rise. Justin hadn't turned around, my footsteps silent but once Edith caught sight of me, a big smile broke out on her face.

"Good morning, Gabriella," I nearly cringed, my head still pounding. I had to take some aspirin but I had to eat first.

"Morning," I replied back, trying to act casual. Justin didn't bother even glancing at me or acknowledging my presence, continuing to flip through his morning paper as usual.


"How are you?"

I sighed, opening my mouth before Justin cut me off.

"Oh, you know she's just a little hungover," he said, his voice hard and annoyed. She looked at me rather impressed but nodded at me.

"I'll just make you some coffee and something to eat," she told me.

"No, Edith you don't have to. I'll just make it myself," I moved towards her.

"No, I'll do it," she placed a warm hand on my back. "The only thing you can do is wash the coffee pot."

I nodded and she began making something, going to the sink. I heard Justin clear his throat but all I wanted was for him to leave.

"I'd like you to join me for dinner, Gabriella. You don't have to work tonight," he said. My eyebrows furrowed and I gave Edith a side glance. "Be in here at eight pm and then we'll eat."

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