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I felt my insides churn as I looked at the thin piece of fabric that covered my body. It was black and short, hugging my curves too much for my liking. On my feet were red pumps, making my legs appear longer than they already were. My hair fell down in waves down my shoulder and back. I felt a strange feeling pit in my stomach. I was nervous. I felt beautiful something I rarely had felt.

I wanted to avoid Justin. I wanted to avoid the whole him scrutinizing me thing but I knew he was searching for me and would not allow me to leave this house until he approved of what I was wearing. I knew this was club approval wear, Skylar had bought it for me, so I followed my instincts and walked out.

Justin's punishment involved revoking the little TV access I had for three months. He was still letting me go with Skylar but had cut the time. I had to clean the whole entire house before he got back from work if I still wanted to go. I, of course succeeded but he didn't thank me or anything. He just went to his room without a single word.

As I moved myself in the living room, I nervously stood in front of him. He put his phone down, setting it next to me as he allowed his eyes to rake down my body with raised eyebrows, his expression blank. He motioned for me to turn around which I slowly did.

"You're not going out like that," Justin deadpanned, sitting on the couch. "I can nearly see your ass, come on, Gabriella you know me better than that."

"Justin," I took a shaky breath, "I'm eighteen years old." I tried to finally take a stand but it wasn't working. He wasn't having it.

"Does it look like I give a fuck?" Whenever he swore it was a sign that he was getting mad and it was time to back down. "As long as you live in my house, you live under my rules. Now get your ass back upstairs and change into something that's appropriate."

"With all do respect, you're not my father."

"I know I'm not. He's dead, remember?"

My breath hitched and I felt the tears brimming my eyes.

"Go change," he ordered.

Suddenly, I wasn't in the mood to party anymore.

I turned my back to him despite the fact that I knew he hated it. I allowed my hair to curtain my face as I sniffled. "I think I'll just go to sleep."

"I finally allow you to go out and you change your mind?" He rose an eyebrow. "Then what was all of that begging for."

I just wanted to cry my eyes out.

"I appreciate that but I'm not feeling too well," I whispered, hugging myself as he eyed me.

Hearing a knock at the door made me jump. Justin nodded at me to go answer it and I did. I walked slowly trying not to stumble in the heels. He kept an intense gaze on me as I walked and I felt it. As I pulled open the door, I was given a questioned look.

"What's taking you so long? Let's go." Skylar yanked my arm which I retracted back.

"I can't go," I mumbled, avoiding her eyes. "He doesn't approve of the dress."

She pinched the bridge of her nose and huffed before stepping inside the house leaving me to close the door behind her.

"Bieber! Why don't you ever let its girl live," she complained, a pout on her lips. "She's dressed fine, I'm sure you've seen worse."

"Yes, but she lives in my house and I refuse to let her walk outside looking like a whore." I winced, shutting my eyes.

"She looks fine, Justin," she drawled.

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