I will find her

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Spencer's POV

I wake up to the doorbell downstairs. Moving out of Toby's arms, I put on some pants and walk downstairs. When I open the door, my two favorite blondes and swimmer are there. They all looked worried. "Hey what's wrong?" I ask.

"Aria left and we haven't heard from you since yesterday, that's what's wrong." Alison answers. What does she mean Aria left? "What do you mean 'Aria left?'" I question, worried that my hazel eyed friend did something stupid. "Did you seriously not read any of our text?!" Hanna yelled. I turned around and saw my phone on the coffee table. Picking it up, I feared the worst.

One message from: Aria

    Hey guys. I'm going off the grid for a while. The wedding is off, I don't love Ezra anymore. I'm going to find Alex. This may not be what you want, but she makes me happy. Do not call my phone, Goodbye.

     My heart breaks seeing that Aria would leave her friends behind for Alex. I ignore her warning and call her. "What are you doing?" Hanna asks. I simply hold my finger up, silencing her.  Aria finally answers. "Hello?" The person says on the other end, but it wasn't Aria. "Caleb?"

Caleb's POV

   "Dangit!" I shout. I had just been trying to hack into this kids phone for some guy. Nothing is working but I'll keep trying. There a knock at the door of the loft. I go to answer it, maybe Hanna left her keys. I see Aria in the peephole and open the door, she must be looking for Hanna.

"Hey Aria, Hanna's not-""I need your help." Aria says bluntly, interrupting me. I step aside and let her in, she walks over to my desk and sits down in front of my computer. "What do you need help with?" I ask. "Do you know where Mona is?" Aria asks back, why does she care where Mona is? Then it his me. "You're looking for Alex." I say. It wasn't a question, I knew she was. She nods and looks me in the eyes.

"Do you?" Aria asks again. "I think you should talk to the girls before you do anything." I answer. She gets out of the chair and walks towards me. When she gets to me, I look down at her and she looks up at me with seriousness written on her face. "Please Caleb. I need to find her." Aria says, she really loves Alex. "(Sighs) I overheard Hanna on the phone. She said Mona was in Paris, working at a doll shop." I say. I feel that I shouldn't have told her, the others would upset at me later, but right now Aria should be happy.

"Thank you" Aria says and starts to walk to to the door, then stops and turns around. "Do you have any burner phones?" She asks. I give her one in exchange for her old one. She leaves with another "Thank you" and I'm left alone again with this uncracked phone. As in trying to hack into this phone, I hear one go off. I look next to me at my own phone and see that it's not that one. It's not the one on my desk either. On the couch, Aria's iPhone 6 sat ringing. I picked it up and looked at the caller ID. Spencer. I answered the call and put the phone to my ear. "Hello?" I say. "Caleb?" Spencer replied. "Yea it's me." I answer. "Where's Aria?" She asks. "She just left.""Left where?!" Spencer yells, she must be worried. Think about Aria, think about Aria. "I'm sorry" I say before hanging up. She deserves to be happy.

Aria's POV

    I got a burner phone from Caleb and bought a plane ticket to Paris.

(After the flight)

   I felt a bit strange being here. I hadn't learned French, so I'm gonna be in trouble. As I walked along the street, I remember a small book Spencer had given me with common French terms. I see a croissant 🥐 stand and walk up to it. The lady gives me a smile and I try to say "May I please have two croissants?" So I say Donnez-moi des croissants, dame (Give me croissants lady.) The kind women throws two croissants at me and shoos me away, I just say thank you. Tu crains (You suck) She gives me a nasty look and I run away.

   As I'm eating my croissants I see a doll shop. I had researched the Mona is at on the plane, I'm sure this was it. I walk inside the doll shop and see a lady at the counter. I say Hé regarde ici (Hey look over here!) She turns around and I see Mona. "Aria." She says. "Hey" I reply. "What brings you to the great Paris? (Pronounced Parie)" She asks. "Uh, just wanted to come around." I lie. "Honeymoon?" She asks excited. "Yep." I lie again. "Well, I'm glad you're here, I need to make a run downstairs. Can you watch the shop for me?""Uh-""Thanks, you're a life saver." She says, not waiting for my answer and heads downstairs.

Alex's POV

    I learned to tell time down here. At this very time, Mona should be coming with my food. I hear familiar footsteps on the stairs and see Mona walking down with a tray of chicken tenders. "Time for dinner, pretty doll." She says, then gets on the floor. She reaches her hand in the flap under the cell door and pushes the food tray underneath. I take my chance and lower myself to the ground to grab the tray.

    When Mona lets go of the food and starts to pull her hand back, I grab her arm and yank hard. Her head smashes  against the door and she just lays there unconscious. There's keys in her pocket that I reach for and successfully grab, unlocking the door from the inside. I swing the door open and admire my surroundings. Stepping over Mona's body, I run up the stairs in search for help. 

    When I get to the top, my heart feels complete again. "Alex?" Aria says. I feel tears in my eyes as we engulf each other in a big hug. We pull away share a long needed kiss. "You were down there all this time?" She asks worried. "She killed Mary." I reply. Tears start to form in her eyes as well. But at least I have her. And I won't let her go.

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