A happy ending?

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Aria's POV

    I sat behind some boxes while Alex sets up a doll that looks like me to shoot. She told me to stay put and after Nicole and the other thought I was dead, we would leave. Nicole's voice comes over an intercom. "We are watching you, kill her." She says. I see Alex take a deep breath and raise the gun to the doll's head level. "I'm so sorry." She says "I love you so much." Then  she pulls the trigger.

The doll falls forward while Alex drops the gun and starts to cry. "Good" Nicole says, "We'll be there to clean up, you can go." Them the intercom turns off and Alex runs over to me. "Come on let's go." She says grabbing my hand and running down the stairs. We hop in her car and drive to the Hastings house.

Nicole's POV

    "Alright, it's done. Let's go clean up." I tell my crew and we walk to my car. Aria had this coming, did she really think that she could just take Ezra from us and not get away with it?

    When we arrive at the bell tower, Maggie and Jackie go upstairs to clean up while I call Lucas.

    "Did you get the passports made?" I ask once he answers. "Yes. Am I done helping you now? I want to prove to Hanna and the others that I'm on their side." He complains. I sigh, "Whatever. Just mail them to me and then your done." I hang up and grab a garbage bag in the truck to hide the body.

I walk up to the bell tower when Maggie and Jackie walk out with blank expressions. "What?" I ask them annoyed, they better it be flaking out on me.

"Um, she's not there." Maggie tells me. "What do you mean she's not there?!" I yell. "We mean she's not there!" Jackie retorts, "Alex shot the doll not Aria. Now they're both gone. But we found this." Jackie hands me a gun that Alex used to shoot the doll and I take it with my guns

I'm furious, how could they overestimate me? Ugh! I'm gonna get Aria even if it kills me. I want Ezra to suffer. I never came back for him, I came back for her. And if Alex wants to get involved, so be it. I take out my phone and dial 911.

Person: 911 what's your emergency?

Nicole: I need help, I just witnessed a murder, and I saw who did it.

Person: Okay, what's your name?

Nicole: Uh, Hanna Marin.

I look over to Jackie and Maggie, both with confused looks.

Person: Okay Hanna, where are you?

Nicole: At the bell tower in the main part of the city.

Person: Okay I'll send police your way right now.

Nicole: Okay thank you.

I hung up and looked at my crew. "How do we fake a murder? We don't have a dead body!" Maggie said. "Yes we do." I say, holding up my gun and shoot Maggie in the head. Jackie jumps back and looks at me. I only stare at her, and she runs away. Now to wait for the cops.

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