They cant find out

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Alex's POV

We need I get away from here as fasts as we can. I don't know when Mona will wake up. I grab Aria's hand and run out of the doll shop. "Where do we go?" I ask. "Well I have three tickets back to Rosewood. I assumed Mary would be with us." Aria says. I tear goes down my cheek as I remember the events of my mother's death. Just playing cards, getting to know each other. I got her and lost her in the same moment.

Aria and I head to the airport and hop on a plane. Aria gives me a change of clothes, so I go to the bathroom and get changed. I stayed awake looking out the window. Aria was asleep beside me, resting her head on my shoulder. Thoughts clouded my head about what would happen when we get off the plane. Will the others be there? What if Mona shows up and takes me back? Will I get arrested again? Questions flood my mind as I can just sit here, waiting. I decide to get some sleep, so I put my head on Aria's and drift off to sleep.

(After the flight)

We got off the plane late this morning, around 11. So far, no one has been looking at me strange, like I didn't belong. We are looking for hotels to stay in for a while, I suggest the Lost Woods Resort, but Aria says that wouldn't be a good idea, I wonder why. We settle on a nice hotel just outside of Rosewood for the night, which turned into a week.

(One week later)

Aria and I have been staying in this hotel for a while. Our relationship has grown, but neither one of us has said "I love you" yet. It's been a little longer than a week since Aria has spoken to her friends. I almost feel terrible for making her choose me over her friends. Speak of the devil, she walks out of the bathroom with slightly damp hair and lays next to me on the bed.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask, she looked very spaced out, contemplating something. "I want to tell the girls. Where I've been." She doesn't look at me when she says this, which makes me worried. She looks over to me and smiles, assuring me. "I won't tell anyone where you are. You can stay here if you want. You'd be safer." Aria says. I only nod and grab the tv remote, turning on Adult Swim. Aria climbs off the bed and gets changed, then grabs her keys and bag. "I'll see you later." She says and gives me kiss before walking out the door. "Have fun." I say sarcastically after she leaves.

Aria's POV

     I text an SOS to the girls and we meet at Spencer's. It's been a while since I've seen the girls, I'm scared of what they'll say. I knock on the door and Spencer soon answers. She has a smile on her face as a new shiny ring on her finger. "Aria! Oh my god, I thought we wouldn't see you again!" She says while giving me a bone crushing hug. "It's good to see you too Spence." I say and walk in the kitchen where my other three friends are sitting.

"Aria!""Where have you been!""I'm so glad you're back!" They all said. I thought they would be upset, they will be soon. "Hey guys" I say as I join them at the table. Spencer closes the front door and joins us, sitting next to me. "So, where have you been?" Alison asks. "We-""We've been wondering where you've been." Hanna interrupts. "I-""Yea, Caleb didn't tell us anything." Spencer then interrupts. "I was-""Was it about Alex?" Emily interrupts next. "Guys!" Alison yells "Let her tell us where she went!" I sigh, then tell them everything over the week. "I can't believe Mona had them locked up." Hanna says.

      I look over to Spencer, who just learned that her mother, Mary, is dead. I see the tears in her eyes. We all group hug around her, and tell her it's okay. Seeing us all comforting her at the same time makes me think Nothing has changed.

Spencer's POV

    I just learned that Mary Drake is dead. Tears run down my face as I think about how my connection with my real mother is lost. One thought comes to mind Where is Alex?. "Where's Alex?" I ask Aria after we disband from our group hug. "I can't tell you." She answers. "Why not?!" Hanna asks. "She's a fugitive. I can't tell you where she is." Aria says. "She's my sister, Aria. I want to see her." I say, why can't I see my own sister? "She doesn't trust you guys yet." Aria replies. "What?! Aria that's insane." Emily says.

Aria's POV

I know they're disappointed, but this is for Alex. "Wait." Spencer interrupts. "It took you 18 minutes to get here. From here, it's 11 minutes to the sign of Rosewood. Then there's a hotel 7 minutes outside of Rosewood." Then she pauses. "I know where she is." Spencer whispers, then grabs her keys and runs to her car.

Panicking, I grab my keys also and head out the door. They can't find her I think. I use my short cut instead of going the way I came. I call Alex on the burner phone I gave her.

Alex- Hey what's-

Aria- They found out where you are. I need you to pack our bags, quick, and get downstairs. I'll pick you up in 6.

    I hang up the phone and start driving faster. I get to the hotel and see Alex standing on the sidewalk with our bags. "Get in loser, we're going shopping!"
(JK) "Hurry up, they're on their way." I get out of the car to grab some bags when I hear a car pull up. Spencer, Hanna, Alison, Emily, and Toby get out of the car. When did they pick him up? He had his uniform on and pulled his gun on me. "Aria you're under arrest." He says. "Wait, arrested? I didn't want her arrested Toby." Spencer says. "She broke the law Spencer. She's harboring a fugitive." Toby replies.

    I try to move but he says "Don't move. I'll shoot if you move." I quickly throw the last bag in the back seat and climb in the car. I hear a shot ring out but I'm fine. As Alex tries to climb in the passenger seat, another shot rings out. Alex winces in pain, and gets in the car. I start driving fast when I see that she starts looking pale. She's bleeding from the side and falling in and out of consciousness. I stop the car and scramble for napkins.  Blood soaks up the napkins, and soon, the whole front seat is red. I speed way past the limit and head to the hospital.

      I stop the car at the hospital and race inside for a doctor. "I need help please! My girlfriend is bleeding in the car!" Doctors and nurses run past me outside and bring in a blue looking Alex with blood all over. I sigh as I hope that she makes it, I need her. I called her my girlfriend. I haven't done that before. It sounds nice. Hopefully she'll pull through so I can call her my girlfriend forever.

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