She will be okay

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Aria's POV

      I've been waiting here for hours. No updates, nothing. I don't even know if she's alive. "Miss Montgomery?" Someone says.  I look up to a surgeon staring down at me, blood all over his clothes. I stand up to confirm that it's me. "Miss, you're girlfriend is losing a lot of blood. She'll need a transfusion." He says. I want to give her my blood, I would die for her. "I'll do it." I tell him.

     "That's the thing. We looked at your file when she was losing blood initially. You're not a match." The surgeon says. "Is there anyone you can find that's a match?" I say desperately. "Well, the mother is no where to be found," She's dead. "Her father refused to donate," Of course, Mr. Hastings doesn't care. "But, she has a sister uh, Spencer Hastings." She would never come, not after this. "We gave her a call, she should be here in a few." He finished. My heart sank into my stomach.

    After minutes of sitting there and waiting, I hear someone come through the hallway of the hospital. My head is down but I know they went to reception. "Excuse me, I'm looking for Alex Drake's doctor. I was called for her  transfusion." I look up and see Spencer talking to the receptionist. I get up and walk over to her as she starts to find Alex's doctor. "Why are you doing?" I ask her seriously. "The doctor called and I wanted to help." She replied. "Yea, bringing Officer Toby was definitely a big help, thank you." I say sarcastically. "I was only picking him up from work. I told him what happened and-""And he shot Alex. Boyfriend of the year." I interrupt.

      "Aria stop, I came here to help her, not hurt her. I'm the only one that can, please, just let me help." Spencer pleads. Just then, we hear surgeons and doctors yelling. "She's losing blood!""We're losing her!""Where is her sister!" I look at Spencer and nod, telling her to go. She runs to end of the hall and disappears around the corner. I can only sit and wait.

Spencer's POV

       After talking to Aria she let me give Alex my blood. I ran to find her doctor and found him and nurses fixing up her room. "Excuse me?" I say to the doctor. He turns around and looks at me with a confused look. "I'm Spencer Hastings, Alex's sister." I say. He sighs and looks at me with relief. "You're twins?" He asks. I nod and he leads me to a room. A nurse takes my blood, and for the first time, I feel that I'm doing something right for my sister.

       After my blood is taken they leave to go to surgery. I sit for a couple minutes then go back to Aria. She's still sitting in the same chair as before, in the same position from when I left. I go over to her and sit next to her. She looks up at me and smiles. "You did it?" She asks. I nod. "Yea, now all we have to do is wait.

(Four hours later)

      We've been sitting here for hours, not moving or eating. I see Alex's doctor walking towards us. Aria stands up as soon as she sees him, I stand up after. "Is she okay?" Aria asks. The doctor looks at both of us and sighs. "You know that she lost a lot of blood during surgery." He says, we both nod. "Well, thankfully Miss Hastings gave her blood just in time. The transfusion was a success." My heart leaped. I had helped my sister. "We've stabilized your girlfriend Miss Montgomery. She hasn't woke up yet, but you can see her. She's in room 318." The doctor tells us, then walks away.

I turn to Aria and and tell her she could go see Alex. "I was gonna leave anyway, so you can go see her." I say. "Why are you leaving?" She asks. "I've gotta go to the police station and talk about the shooting. I'll try to say anything that can help you two. It just, Toby's job is on the line." I reply. "Ok, Thanks Spence." She says and we hug. Aria leaves to go and see Alex while I leave the hospital to get to the police station. I hope I did the right thing.

Aria's POV

I walk to room 318 and see Alex laying unconscious in the hospital bed. There are tunes and wires spread all across the room. It breaks my heart, I was supposed to be like this, not her. I sit in the chair next to the bed and hold her hand. "Hey." I start, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. "I really hope you wake up.(sniffle) You are my girlfriend, and I love you." We've never told each other that we love one another, but she needs to know how much I need her to stay.

      I start to cry tightly grip her hand, letting her know that she needs to wake up, for me. "Ar." I hear. I look up and see Alex staring at me, then smile once she sees me. "Alex? You're okay!" I get so happy to see her and hug her, letting go when she winces. "You're okay, alright?" I say. She nods and smiles again. "Ar? C-can I.....can I ask you, something?" She stutters. "Yea of course anything." I tell her. "I want to leave Rosewood."

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