Old feelings

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Aria's POV

    After leaving the store I went home and acted like everything was normal. I couldn't tell Alex what happened, it would break her heart. I couldn't stop about Ezra after that. The feel of his lips, brought me back to when we were together. It was like old feelings had come up. I love Alex, I know I do, but there's something about Ezra that will make me never forget him. I want him back.

     I know it's terrible to say this. I'm with Alex now and we moved on, but Ezra coming to New York just made me want him. I have to tell Alex how I feel. But I need to tell her about the kiss first. I go to Elliot's room where Alex is sitting in a chair tickling him, making him smile. I'll miss that.

    "Hey!" She says when she sees me. "Hey." I reply sadly, this is gonna be hard. "What's wrong?" She asks, putting Elliot in his crib and taking me to the living room. Once we get there, I sit down on the couch, Alex following me. She's looking, waiting for me to tell her. "So um," I start. "I saw Ezra at the grocery store." I tell her. "Why is he following you? Do you want me to tell Toby?" She asks. I wish she would stop being so caring, I'm trying to break up with her. "No, it's fine. I actually feel bad for him. Nicole's gone again and now he's by himself."

Alex looked confused like she wasn't understanding the situation. "Okay? That was his own fault. You have nothing to do with it." She says annoyed. I need to tell her now. "We kissed." I tell her quickly, ripping off the bandaid. Her eyebrows furrow, like she's taking it in and processing it. "I'm confused, you guys kissed?" She says calmly. I don't want to look her in the eyes, I'm a terrible person. "Technically he kissed me. But I liked. And I want to get back together with him." I tell her. I look at her and I can't tell what she's feeling. I never could tell, I just knew that she was feeling, I never knew what.

I see that Alex's face is just blank, trying to figure out an emotion. Finally her blank stare turns to sadness, then anger, and then, she seems calm. "Then go." She says quietly. "What?" I asks. I'm confused. She's not yelling or crying or fighting for me. She's just letting me go. "If you want him, then go." She says, getting up and walking up the stairs. What is happening?

Alex's POV

Aria just told me she and Ezra kissed and that she wants to be with him. I don't know if what she said means that she's breaking up with me, but if she wants him, she can have him. I came upstairs to see Elliot, the only that makes me feel better. I thought Aria would at least say goodbye to him before she left, but she packed her bags and left right after I told her to be with Ezra.

I sit back in the chair in Elliot's room and look to my left. My coat is still sitting here. I reach into the right pocket and pull out a box. Opening it I start to tear up, the ring I was supposed to propose to Aria with will never be used. And now I'm alone in this large home, with my young son. What did I do wrong?

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