Chapter 5 Secrets

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Shout Outs: kenziepina, thank u for enjoying my story!! And a shout out to Bite_My_Tongue_, he is a great and funny writer. Luv his work. Especially, Directionlover123, also my bestie from school!! Love you guys, thank u!


Chapter five

(Randall’s Point of View)

It was dark and muggy inside, you can here the water swooshing around. I didn’t have a good feeling about this. A nasty odor carried through the sewers, trying to hold my breathe was hard. “Damn, it’s not working! Randall, we’ll have to go look for the other one.” I couldn’t believe what she was saying, I just wanted to leave before we’re stuck getting wet. “C’mon, it’s right over there. It’ll be easy we’ll just have to climb that ladder, and jump across.” What happens if I jump again and get stuck? I didn’t want to impale myself again! What’s next my arm? Jess grabbed my arm and dragged me with her, walking steadily across the unstable platform, we came across a roamer having a picnic in the water. That’s probably were the odor was coming from. The thing is, when the water turns on, the people go to the bathroom. When their done, they’ll have to wash their hands, the water will be a little red. Or when they go to sleep, the water will go back up the pipe, they’ll lift the lid and there’s a bunch of flesh floating around. We made our way up the ladder, the platform was shaking.

“Uh, Jess? Are you going to jump?” She just stood there dumbly.

“No…I’m just gonna stand here and turn the water on with my powers! Of course I am.” She jumped to the other ledge. “Aren’t you gonna jump?” She hollered back. I didn’t want to jump and miss. I motioned for her go ahead. Jessie disappeared behind the corner of the wall. A huge rumbling noise shook everything under my feet. “Got it! Let’s go!” She looked down at the water and up at me. “Jump!” Oh, crap! I forgot to mention something to her.

“Uh, Jess…” She was staring up at me. “One tiny problem!” I smiled at her in a guilty way.

“What?” She coaxed her head in a interested way, “Don’t tell me you can’t,” I nodded to her. “Oh, Randall! Why didn’t you say anything?” I just shrugged. Jess just stood there, thinking of a way for me not to drown. Twenty one years old and can’t swim is a embarrassing thought, huh? Well, it’s true. I took a deep breathe, told myself to kick and hold my breathe. “Randall! Don’t!” I jumped off, landing in the water, it was freezing, like I just took a swim in the lake at night. My father got mad at me and push me off the boat, ever since that I was a afraid of the water. The water was pulling me down quickly, I swung my legs, my arm started lifting my body closer to the surface. When I came up to the surface gasping for air, Jess grabbed my shirt. Half way out of the water, something grabbed my leg, I fell backwards in the water.

“Jess!” I was trying to kick the bastard off my leg, Jess was trying to pull me up out of the water. I used all my strength to pull myself out of the water, I finally got on the ledge. “The hell was that?” Jess just looked at me in a confused manner.

“Randall, there was nothing in the water.” Something grabbed my foot! What grabbed me then? “C’mon!” I just sat staring into the dark water. She helped me up off the ground, that was weird. I didn’t understand what happened back in the sewers, we walked back.

“Okay let’s go!” We got out of the sewers and went back to the church.

“Thank goodness, you’ve turned the water back on. Thank you!” The old woman greeted us with a hand shake. “You two have freed us from those demons that had over run our world. Jessica, you can leave, please be strong!” Jess hugged the frail woman.

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