Chapter Eight Part two

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“Unsettled Thoughts”

Chapter eight

Randall’s POV

Part Two

What am I going to do about my head? I can’t tell anyone! Jesus, I can’t even remember how I got blood on my face. I’m just sitting on the porch gate, thinking. I heard laughing I looked over to the left of me, there I see Julian and Jess having the time of their lives. I think I was in the wrong about lying to Jess ‘bout my head, I’m afraid I might have a concussion. Or worst! I realized my black bracelets were missing! Can anything else get worse? If Jess finds out that its missing then I’ll look like a jerk. Since we were best friends I took her out to the store and we bought matching black bracelets to represent our friendship. That bracelet means a lot to me, even her. Dale, Rick, Shane, and Lori all went into the house except Rick. He walked over to me, and just stared out.

“Randall, be honest. Why are you bleeding?” I just kept my head down.

“I don’t know. Dan was beating me, and I guess he hit me in the head, I was knocked out.” Rick looked at in a weird way.

“What do you mean, Dan? You guys were kidnapped?” I looked at him.

“I took the beating from them, no one else, just me.” I do remember getting hit by two guys, one kicked my in the stomach, the other hit me in the face. I know I couldn’t scream, they’d punch me in my throat. Then something hard hit me in the chest, then in the head, knocking me out cold.

“Randall, I’m going to get Marshall to check you.” Rick started to go in the house.

“Rick, it’s no use. I pretty much dying slowly inside.” I swung my body around off the porch gate.

“Still, I think of you as my second son. Nobody touches my children.” He called me his son. I had never had a father before. He went into the house to get him. I just shook my head, my whole body was sore, it was hard to breathe, cough, talk, or yawn because of my chest and throat. I didn’t want to cry, I’m a man, there’s no need for crying. Only pain, that raced through my body. Rick called me into the house, I had to into the bedroom. “Randall just take your shirt off so he can check.” I took my blue shirt off. Marshall closed his eyes tightly, then opened them. He was shaking his head, in disproval. I felt sick to my stomach.

“Rick, he might have internal bleeding. That bruise is a sign of it.” Rick couldn’t take it, he walked out of the room, along with Marshall. I got off the bed, I stood in front of the mirror, staring at my bruised body. Black and blue spots on my sides, a black bruise on my stomach. A huge one on my chest, my back was covered. My arms had tiny holes punctured all over them, from a pocket knife. I felt so much anger and sorrow, I was disturbed about what my body looks like, mostly the person I am. The door opened, Jessica walked in, I grabbed my shirt, I didn’t want her to see the bruises. She turned around, she saw my side in the mirror.

“Jess, I can explain.” She walked up to me, she took the shirt out of my hands, I could see the pain she must feel, in her eyes.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Jess looked at me, I started crying. I sat on the floor up against the bed, my eyes were tucked in the palms of my hands. I was hurting so bad, so much hatred came out of me. “I could of helped you. Randall, they are killing you.” I looked at her, I wanted to hug her.

“Jessie, I wanted to tell you, but I was scared!” I managed to yell. She started crying. I stood up, I looked at myself. “I hate myself. I did this to my self! Its costing my life! I punished myself, I wished that I was dead, those things could‘ve taken it! I was stupid for begging you to save me that night! Shane was right, I‘m a threat. I killed my sister, by leaving her there. Damn it! God kill me!” I put my hand to my face again.

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