Chapter 7

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Jimin's POV
It's been a few weeks since me and Ji-hye have been faking our "relationship". I'm not doing this to help her , I'm doing it to make her think I'm a good guy and have her trust me. She has been distant thoe I don't know why.

Today she didn't come to school I don't know why.

It was lunch time and I went to my new group of friends.

"Hey guys do you know why Ji-hye isn't here today?"

"Isn't she your girlfriend you're supposed to know" said jungkook with a tad of attitude , there is something wrong with him.

"She is but she isn't answering my texts or calls" I lied.

"Hmmmm well I think she is at home"

"Ohhhh Alright ill go see her after school then"

I wanted to know what was wrong with her why was she acting so distant towards me.
I saw a girl eyeing me , checking me out from head to toe. She wasn't bad looking either. So I smiled at her and did my signature smirk. I went up to her and asked her is we would talk privately.

She knew exactly what I ment and nodded with a smirk on her face.
I was needed some action since
Ji-hye is a hard girl to work with.

I needed to get some of my frustration out.

'I hope no one from the gang notices' I was thinking while walking with the girl to a private spot.

Hoseok's POV
I noticed Jimin slipped off from our group and I was curious where he was going so I followed him.

I thought I was imagining stuff when I saw him walking somewhere with another girl.

'What the hell is he doing' I thought to myself while following them.

I cared for Ji-hye so much , probably a little bit too much , I didn't wanna see her get hurt.
I saw them go into the janitors room.Why would he take her there unless.......
No he wouldn't cheat on her would he?

I waited for the door to close and went behind it to try to hear what was going on.

Suddenly I am filled with anger , I want to go in there and beat the shit out of him.

I hear moans coming out of the room. He can't be serious, why is he doing this to Ji-hye, why.

Back to jimin's POV
I was letting my frustrations out. It felt good for a moment. Suddenly it felt wrong doing this but I don't know why. Want if Ji-hye found out and didn't trust me anymore, I wouldn't get to try out someone new. I stopped with this girl and told her to leave.

"Wtf neither of us finished"

"I don't give a shit I got someone better to finish off with now buh bye hoe" I left her and went back to the gang.

I see Hoseok's face change from sunshine Hoseok to angry Hoseok.He was starring at me like he wanted to kill me.What is his problem?
I ignored it and started to conversate with the gang.

"Hey Park I wanna talk to you" said Hoseok.

"Alright where do you wanna talk at?"

I wasn't gonna lie I was some what scared.

"Just follow me"

I followed him to the street just outside of of school when suddenly

I got punched in the face.



Oh shit he knew, but how?

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT ME HURTING JI-HYEN I WOULD NEVER DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT" I had to act like a victim but I knew this was going to end up badly.

"STOP ACTING YOU DUMB SHIT I SAW YOU AND HEARD YOU WITH THAT GIRL" He was so angry, it looked like he wanted to end my life in that moment.

"Look man I stopped it okay,I realised what I was doing was wrong please don't tell Ji-hye"

I had to beg, I didn't want to loose my chance to try out a new girl.

"Are you stupid to think I would t tell her, I care for her so much I will not let you hurt her"

I was fucked I had to find a way to have him back off.


"Don't tell her Hoseok you don't wanna mess with me"

"Oh really, bring it on bitch"

I had taken several fighting lessons. I would say I was a pro.
We started fighting intensively , he got good hits and so did I. But his hits weren't good enough to protect him from me. I wasn't going to allow him to take that chance away from me. I went all out on him. Next thing I know is he is lying on the floor unconscious.

' That will keep him quiet for a bit'

I acted as if he got jumped or something and called some teachers so they could call an ambulance. They took him away and and after school some teachers told the gang that he could be unconscious for a while and he would have to stay at the hospital while being uncountious.
Now nothing was blocking my way from getting what I wanted.

To be honest I didn't feel that bad for what I did,but because he was pushing my buttons so he deserved it.

Now to go see Ji-hye.

Now to go see Ji-hye

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