Chapter 5

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  I could see through the coffee shop windows that all my friends we piled up looking at me and Jimin.God the amount of questions that await for us.

Jimin suddenly stopped walking before entering the coffee shop and turned me to face him.

"I think we should have your friends think we are actually dating"

"Wait wait wait what?Why?" I was so confused at the words coming out of his mouth.

"It would look more realistic if they thought that and kept bothering us"

"Hmmmm I don't know what if they ask us to kiss?"

At a fast speed he answered with a smile and said
"Well then we kiss"

He was enjoying this too much.

"Fine but if they ask for a kiss, it just going to be a peck NOTHING else"

He smiled in response then opened the door of the coffee shop for me.

Tae's POV
I was so confused about the situation.why didn't Ji-hye text me or something?As we saw them coming closer to the coffee shop we all went back to how we were,

Ani and Jungkook we cuddling,Taehyung was sitting on top of the table,namjoon was went back to his comics,Jin was sipping his tea,Hoseok started practicing some of his dance routines,and me and Yoongi went back to cuddling as well.As if we didn't see anything.

I see both come in and I just look up at Yoongi and smile of excitment.He looks down at me and smiles back.

They come to the table be where we were all at and she just says
"You guys aren't slick the window is clear you idiots"

Ops she caught us welp we tried.😂

We all piled up Infront of then and started to ask a bunch of questions.

When did this happen?How did it happen?Why didn't you guys tell us?Who asked who?Are you planning to last? Etc etc

Jimin just looked at her and just laughed.

Jimin started to tell us how it happened.

"So I have her for my first and last class and she just seem so beautiful to me that I got a feeling that I had to to go and talk to her"

"Mhm" we all say

"After talking I felt like I've known her for years and I guess she did to"

We were all fascinated by the story.

"I asked her out that instance and she said yes so here we are now"

"Awwwwww you guys are so cute together" Jin said , it's like he was fangirling their relationship.

We were all happy for them we just started cheering.

Back to your POV
Jimin made up a story to make them think we are actually dating.It felt wrong lying to my friends but I was tried of Tae-woo's shit already.

"Yeah now will you guys stop looking at us like that and get back to your boring lives"

"Aish common Jagiya let them be they're just happy for us"said jimin with a smile.

God that smile could make me do anything.

Throughout the whole time in the coffee shop I felt like someone was looking at us as if someone was stalking us.

Tae-woo's POV
I followed Ji-hye and her so called boyfriend at a coffee shop where her friends were at.I automatically hate that guy.What does he have that I don't.

'Nobody rejects me' I told my self.

I wanted Ji-hye so bad.If I had to have her by force I will.No matter what I will have her.

I kept looking at them staring down that guy.I will end their relationship no matter what.

I need Ji-hye just to myself.
I need to put my plan in action.

Back to your POV
We were all ready to go home now and rest.We all said by to each other and went our separate ways.Well except me and Jimin.

"Can I walk you home?" He asked

"Um sure I guess"

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure"

"Do you actually like me?"

I froze not knowing what to answer because I didn't even know the answer myself.Do I actually like him? Was my question the whole day.

"Um to be honest I don't know the answer to that question myself" I said as I started to walk again.

We had reached my house.We were at my door step when he put both hands beside my head making me unable to go anywhere.His face was so close to mine.

"Y-y-you c-c-can stop acting n-n-now no o-o-ne is a-a-around" O said feeling nervous because of how close he was.

"I know no one is looking at us but now that I have you I want to show you my 'True Colors'" he said with a smirk.

His eyes had changed from looking so sweet to being full of lust.

"Let me help you answer the question" he said then bitting his lower lip

"Let me help you answer the question" he said then bitting his lower lip

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