5 years later (Namjoon & Jin)

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Namjoon's POV
It's been 5 years since we've been together and we decided to take the next step in our relationship. We got married a few months ago. After we got married we bought our house. What the gang called "Namjin" became true. Namjin is real baby!!!!!

"Common we have to get up"

I was shaking Jin who was asleep on my chest.

Jin:"Aish it's too early"

He hugged me tight.

"Common we have to meet up with the others"

I was unwrapping his arms from me.


"Dont be lazy. We finally get to see Ji-hye and Jimin again"

Jin sat up fast.

Jin:"THEY'RE HERE?!?!?!"

"Yes they got here a few hours ago"


"Stop screaming and because you looked so cute sleeping"

He hit my chest gently as he blushed.

Jin:"Alright let me get ready and we'll leave"

He got up and went to the restroom.

Jin's POV
It has been 5 years of me and Joonie being together. Those have been the best years of my life. Who would have thought I would get married to my first love.

After we got married we were thinking about building our family together. I know we can't have our own kids but we were thinking about adoption or finding a surrogate. Right now we had to put our plans aside to help or long time friend Taehyung.

Namjoon:"Oppa are you almost finished!!!!"


I got out of the restroom and we went to the car.

I was looking out the window when I noticed Namjoon drove past the meeting spot.

"Where are you going?"

Namjoon:"We are gonna get lunch first"

We arrived at a fancy restaurant.

Namjoon:"reserved in the name of Namjoon"

Waiter:"Alright follow me"

The waiter grabbed some menus and led us to a table. When we got to the table I saw a man and a woman sitting there.

I tugged Namjoon's sleeve and he turned around.

Namjoon:"What's wrong?"

"Who are those people?"

Namjoon:"You'll see in a minute common"

He took my hand and took me to the table.

Namjoon:"안녕하세요(Hello) I'm Namjoon and this is my husband Jin"

He bowed and so did I.


The lady and the man next to her smiled and bowed a bit.

???:"안녕하세요(hello) my name is Seo-yeon and this is my husband Do-yun"

They both bowed again and her husband said hello as well.

Namjoon:"Jin I've been doing this behind your back because I wanted to surprise you"

I smiled awkwardly.

"What is it"

Namjoon:"Seo-yeon here volunteered to be our surrogate we did the procedure and well she is pregnant"

I froze. I didn't know what to say or do. I was so excited I wanted to jump and scream, but I also wanted to ball myself up and cry.

I finally hugged Namjoon and teared a bit.

"Oh my God I am so happy, we are gonna have a mini joonie in our home"

I looked at the couple in front of us.

"Thank you so much"

Seo-yeon:"We are happy to help"

She grabbed my hand and smiled at me.

I am so grateful there are good people in this world.

"Lets celebrate. WAITER"

Waiter:"Yes sir"

"Please bring us a bottle of wine"

I looked at the lady and she pointed at her stomach.

"Right change that to just water please"

Waiter:"Yes sir"

We all started to laugh and continued to talk.

*one hours later*
Namjoon:"Thank you so much for everything you're doing, we have to go now but we'll stay in contact"

Seo-yeon:"No problem and for sure we will"

We all got up from the table and said goodbye to each other.

As we were going out the restaurant I hugged Namjoon.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, so much"

He smiled and hugged me back.

Namjoon:"Anything for you babe"

Namjoon's POV
I was so happy seeing Jin like this. He seemed disappointed when I told him we had to put our plans aside to help out Taehyung so I did it with out him.

Now that our little family was gonna start to grow even more it was time for us to go help Taehyung.

"Common let's go help Taehyung now"

Hello😊 sorry for a shitty and short chapter I'm trying to get over this fast.
It will get more interesting later on I promise.Also please check out my other ff's if you haven't yet, called "Stranded" and my brand new one called "Let me love you". Thank you for reading 사랑해💜.

 Thank you for reading 사랑해💜

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